Chin. Phys. Lett.  2024, Vol. 41 Issue (6): 067402    DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/41/6/067402
Magnetic Nonreciprocity in a Hybrid Device of Asymmetric Artificial Spin-Ice-Superconductors
Chong Li1,2,3, Peiyuan Huang1,2,3, Chen-Guang Wang1,2,3, Haojie Li1, Yang-Yang Lyu1*, Wen-Cheng Yue1*, Zixiong Yuan1,2,3, Tianyu Li1,2,3, Xuecou Tu1,2, Tao Tao3, Sining Dong1,3, Liang He3, Xiaoqing Jia1, Guozhu Sun1,2, Lin Kang1, Huabing Wang1,2, Peiheng Wu1,2, and Yong-Lei Wang1,2,3*
1Research Institute of Superconductor Electronics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
2Purple Mountain Laboratories, Nanjing 211111, China
3National Key Laboratory of Spintronics, Nanjing University, Suzhou 215163, China
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Chong Li, Peiyuan Huang, Chen-Guang Wang et al  2024 Chin. Phys. Lett. 41 067402
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Abstract Controlling the size and distribution of potential barriers within a medium of interacting particles can unveil unique collective behaviors and innovative functionalities. We introduce a unique superconducting hybrid device using a novel artificial spin ice structure composed of asymmetric nanomagnets. This structure forms a distinctive superconducting pinning potential that steers unconventional motion of superconducting vortices, thereby inducing a magnetic nonreciprocal effect, in contrast to the electric nonreciprocal effect commonly observed in superconducting diodes. Furthermore, the polarity of the magnetic nonreciprocity is in situ reversible through the tunable magnetic patterns of artificial spin ice. Our findings demonstrate that artificial spin ice not only precisely modulates superconducting characteristics but also opens the door to novel functionalities, offering a groundbreaking paradigm for superconducting electronics.
Received: 20 March 2024      Express Letter Published: 21 May 2024
PACS:  74.25.Qt  
  74.25.Ha (Magnetic properties including vortex structures and related phenomena)  
  85.25.-j (Superconducting devices)  
  74.78.Na (Mesoscopic and nanoscale systems)  
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Articles by authors
Chong Li
Peiyuan Huang
Chen-Guang Wang
Haojie Li
Yang-Yang Lyu
Wen-Cheng Yue
Zixiong Yuan
Tianyu Li
Xuecou Tu
Tao Tao
Sining Dong
Liang He
Xiaoqing Jia
Guozhu Sun
Lin Kang
Huabing Wang
Peiheng Wu
and Yong-Lei Wang
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