Chin. Phys. Lett.  2017, Vol. 34 Issue (7): 077401    DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/34/7/077401
Revisiting the Electron-Doped SmFeAsO: Enhanced Superconductivity up to 58.6K by Th and F Codoping
Xiao-Chuan Wang1,3, Jia Yu1, Bin-Bin Ruan1, Bo-Jin Pan1, Qing-Ge Mu1, Tong Liu1, Kang Zhao1, Gen-Fu Chen1, Zhi-An Ren1,2,3*
1Institute of Physics and Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190
2Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter, Beijing 100190
3School of Physical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049
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Xiao-Chuan Wang, Jia Yu, Bin-Bin Ruan et al  2017 Chin. Phys. Lett. 34 077401
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Abstract In the iron-based high-$T_{\rm c}$ bulk superconductors, $T_{\rm c}$ above 50 K was only observed in the electron-doped 1111-type compounds. Here we revisit the electron-doped SmFeAsO polycrystals to make a further investigation for the highest $T_{\rm c}$ in these materials. To introduce more electron carriers and less crystal lattice distortions, we study the Th and F codoping effects into the Sm-O layers with heavy electron doping. Dozens of Sm$_{1-x}$Th$_{x}$FeAsO$_{1-y}$F$_{y}$ samples are synthesized through the solid state reaction method, and these samples are carefully characterized by the structural, resistive, and magnetic measurements. We find that the codoping of Th and F clearly enhances the superconducting $T_{\rm c}$ more than the Th or F single-doped samples, with the highest record $T_{\rm c}$ up to 58.6 K when $x=0.2$ and $y=0.225$. Further element doping causes more impurities and lattice distortions in the samples with a weakened superconductivity.
Received: 15 March 2017      Published: 23 June 2017
PACS:  74.70.-b (Superconducting materials other than cuprates)  
  74.70.Xa (Pnictides and chalcogenides)  
  74.70.Dd (Ternary, quaternary, and multinary compounds)  
  74.72.Ek (Electron-doped)  
Fund: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 11474339, the National Basic Research Program of China under Grant No 2016YFA0300301, and the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
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Articles by authors
Xiao-Chuan Wang
Jia Yu
Bin-Bin Ruan
Bo-Jin Pan
Qing-Ge Mu
Tong Liu
Kang Zhao
Gen-Fu Chen
Zhi-An Ren
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