Room-Temperature Anisotropic Ferromagnetism in Fe-Doped In2O3 Heteroepitaxial Films
XING Peng-Fei1, CHEN Yan-Xue1, TANG Min-Jian1, YAN Shi-Shen1, LIU Guo-Lei1, MEI Liang-Mo1, JIAO Jun1,2
1School of Physics and National Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan 2501002Department of Physics, Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland OR, 97207, U.S.A.
Room-Temperature Anisotropic Ferromagnetism in Fe-Doped In2O3 Heteroepitaxial Films
XING Peng-Fei1, CHEN Yan-Xue1, TANG Min-Jian1, YAN Shi-Shen1, LIU Guo-Lei1, MEI Liang-Mo1, JIAO Jun1,2
1School of Physics and National Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan 2501002Department of Physics, Portland State University, PO Box 751, Portland OR, 97207, U.S.A.
摘要Fe-doped In2O3 films are grown epitaxially on YSZ (100) substrates by pulsed laser deposition. The in-situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction, the atomic force microscopy, and the x-ray diffraction patterns show that the films have a well defined cubic structure epitaxially oriented in the (100) direction. Room temperature ferromagnetism is observed by an alternating gradient magnetometer. Strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy with a remnant magnetization ratio of 0.83 and a coercivity of 2.5kOe is revealed. Both the structural and the magnetic measurements suggest that this ferromagnetism is an intrinsic property deriving from the spin-orbit coupling between the diluted Fe atoms.
Abstract:Fe-doped In2O3 films are grown epitaxially on YSZ (100) substrates by pulsed laser deposition. The in-situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction, the atomic force microscopy, and the x-ray diffraction patterns show that the films have a well defined cubic structure epitaxially oriented in the (100) direction. Room temperature ferromagnetism is observed by an alternating gradient magnetometer. Strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy with a remnant magnetization ratio of 0.83 and a coercivity of 2.5kOe is revealed. Both the structural and the magnetic measurements suggest that this ferromagnetism is an intrinsic property deriving from the spin-orbit coupling between the diluted Fe atoms.
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