Chin. Phys. Lett.  2024, Vol. 41 Issue (5): 057301    DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/41/5/057301
Influence of High-Pressure Induced Lattice Dislocations and Distortions on Thermoelectric Performance of Pristine SnTe
Bowen Zheng1†, Tao Chen3,4†, Hairui Sun1,2*, Manman Yang5, Bingchao Yang1,2, Xin Chen1,2, Yongsheng Zhang1,2*, and Xiaobing Liu1,2*
1Laboratory of High-Pressure Physics and Materials Science (HPPMS), School of Physics and Physical Engineering, Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165, China
2Advanced Research Institute of Multidisciplinary Sciences, Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165, China
3Key Lab of Photovoltaic and Energy Conservation Materials Institute of Solid State Physics, HFIPS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China
4University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
5School of Electronic Engineering Huainan Normal University, Huainan 232038, China
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Bowen Zheng, Tao Chen, Hairui Sun et al  2024 Chin. Phys. Lett. 41 057301
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Abstract As a sister compound of PbTe, SnTe possesses the environmentally friendly elements. However, the pristine SnTe compounds suffer from the high carrier concentration, the large valence band offset between the $L$ and $\varSigma $ positions and high thermal conductivity. Using high-pressure and high-temperature technology, we synthesized the pristine SnTe samples at different pressures and systemically investigated their thermoelectric properties. High pressure induces rich microstructures, including the high-density dislocations and lattice distortions, which serve as the strong phonon scattering centers, thereby reducing the lattice thermal conductivity. For the electrical properties, pressure reduces the harmful high carrier concentration, due to the depression of Sn vacancies. Moreover, pressure induces the valence band convergence, reducing the energy separation between the $L$ and $\varSigma $ positions. The band convergence and suppressed carrier concentration increase the Seebeck coefficient. Thus, the power factors of pressure-sintered compounds do not deteriorate significantly under the condition of decreasing electrical conductivity. Ultimately, for a pristine SnTe compound synthesized at 5 GPa, a higher $ZT$ value of 0.51 is achieved at 750 K, representing a 140% improvement compared to the value of 0.21 obtained using SPS. Therefore, the high-pressure and high-temperature technology is demonstrated as an effectively approach to optimize thermoelectric performance.
Received: 01 February 2024      Published: 03 May 2024
PACS:  73.50.Lw (Thermoelectric effects)  
  91.60.Gf (High-pressure behavior)  
  61.82.Fk (Semiconductors)  
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Articles by authors
Bowen Zheng
Tao Chen
Hairui Sun
Manman Yang
Bingchao Yang
Xin Chen
Yongsheng Zhang
and Xiaobing Liu
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