Chin. Phys. Lett.  2007, Vol. 24 Issue (4): 917-920    DOI:
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Experimental Study on Electrostatic Guiding of Supersonic D2O Molecular Beam with Two Charged Wires
YIN Ya-Ling;XIA Yong;Chen Hai-Bo;YIN Jian-Ping
Key Laboratory for Optical and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (Ministry of Education), Department of Physics, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062
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YIN Ya-Ling, XIA Yong, Chen Hai-Bo et al  2007 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 917-920
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Abstract We demonstrate the guiding of a supersonic heavy-water (D2O) molecular beam using a hollow electrostatic field generated by the combination of two parallel charged-wires and two grounded metal-plates, and report some new and preliminary experimental results. In the experiment, we detect the guiding signals by using the method of time-of-flight mass spectrum and study the dependence of the relative transmission of the beam guide on the guiding voltage. Our study shows that the relative transmission of the beam guide is increased linearly with increasing guiding voltage Vguid, and the number of the guided D2O molecules is at least increased by 89.4% when the guiding voltage is +20.0kV. Finally, some potential applications of our guiding scheme in the molecule optics are briefly discussed.
Keywords: 33.80.Ps      33.55.Be      39.10.+j     
Received: 28 August 2006      Published: 26 March 2007
PACS:  33.80.Ps  
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Articles by authors
YIN Ya-Ling
XIA Yong
Chen Hai-Bo
YIN Jian-Ping
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