Chin. Phys. Lett.  2023, Vol. 40 Issue (4): 047501    DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/4/047501
Magnetic Damping Properties of Single-Crystalline Co$_{55}$Mn$_{18}$Ga$_{27}$ and Co$_{50}$Mn$_{18}$Ga$_{32}$ Films
Jia-Rui Chen1, Yu-Ting Gong2, Xian-Yang Lu2*, Chen-Yu Zhang3, Yong Hu3*, Ming-Zhi Wang4, Zhong Shi4, Shuai Fu1, Hong-Ling Cai1,5, Ruo-Bai Liu1, Yuan Yuan1, Yu Lu1, Tian-Yu Liu1, Biao You1,5, Yong-Bing Xu, and Jun Du1,5*
1National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures and Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
2York-Nanjing Joint Center (YNJC) for Spintronics and Nano-Engineering, School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
3College of Sciences, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China
4School of Physics Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
5Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing 210093, China
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Jia-Rui Chen, Yu-Ting Gong, Xian-Yang Lu et al  2023 Chin. Phys. Lett. 40 047501
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Abstract We investigate the structural, static magnetic and damping properties in two Mn-deficient magnetic Weyl semimetal Co-Mn-Ga (CMG) alloy films, i.e., Co$_{55}$Mn$_{18}$Ga$_{27}$ (CMG1) and Co$_{50}$Mn$_{18}$Ga$_{32}$ (CMG2), which were epitaxially grown on MgO (001) substrates. CMG1 has a mixing phase of $B_{2}$ and $L2_{1}$, larger saturation magnetization ($M_{\rm s} \sim 760$ emu/cm$^{3}$), stronger in-plane magnetic anisotropy. CMG2 has an almost pure $B2$ phase, smaller $M_{\rm s}$ ($\sim$ $330$ emu/cm$^{3}$), negligible in-plane magnetic anisotropy. Time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect results unambiguously demonstrate an obvious perpendicular standing spin wave (PSSW) mode in addition to the Kittel mode for both of the CMG films. The intrinsic damping constant is about 0.0055 and 0.015 for CMG1 and CMG2, respectively, which are both significantly larger than that of the stoichiometric CMG (i.e., Co$_{2}$MnGa) film reported previously. In combination with the first-principles calculations, the intrinsic damping properties of the Mn-deficient CMG films can be well explained by considering the increase of density of states at the Fermi level, reduction of $M_{\rm s}$, and excitation of the PSSW mode. These findings provide a new clue to tuning the magnetic damping of the magnetic Weyl semimetal film through slight off-stoichiometry.
Received: 26 January 2023      Published: 02 April 2023
PACS:  75.78.-n (Magnetization dynamics)  
  75.70.-i (Magnetic properties of thin films, surfaces, and interfaces)  
  75.75.-c (Magnetic properties of nanostructures)  
  75.30.Ds (Spin waves)  
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Articles by authors
Jia-Rui Chen
Yu-Ting Gong
Xian-Yang Lu
Chen-Yu Zhang
Yong Hu
Ming-Zhi Wang
Zhong Shi
Shuai Fu
Hong-Ling Cai
Ruo-Bai Liu
Yuan Yuan
Yu Lu
Tian-Yu Liu
Biao You
Yong-Bing Xu
and Jun Du
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