Chin. Phys. Lett.  2017, Vol. 34 Issue (3): 030401    DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/34/3/030401
Destroying Extremal Kerr–Newman-AdS Black Holes with Test Particles
Yu Song1**, Hao Tang1, De-Cheng Zou2, Rui-Hong Yue2, Cheng-Yi Sun1
1Institute of Modern Physics, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069
2Department of Physics, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009
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Yu Song, Hao Tang, De-Cheng Zou et al  2017 Chin. Phys. Lett. 34 030401
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Abstract Neglecting the self-force, self-energy and radiative effects, we follow the spirit of Wald's gedanken experiment and further discuss whether an extremal Kerr–Newman-AdS (KNA) black hole can turn into a naked singularity when it captures charged and spinning massive particles. It is found that feeding a test particle into an extremal KNA black hole could lead to a violation of cosmic censorship for the black hole.
Received: 09 December 2016      Published: 28 February 2017
PACS:  04.20.Dw (Singularities and cosmic censorship)  
  04.70.Bw (Classical black holes)  
  97.60.Lf (Black holes)  
Fund: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 11275099, 11435006 and 11405130.
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Articles by authors
Yu Song
Hao Tang
De-Cheng Zou
Rui-Hong Yue
Cheng-Yi Sun
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