Chin. Phys. Lett.  2007, Vol. 24 Issue (10): 2879-2882    DOI:
Original Articles |
Birefringence of Irregular-Microstructure Fibre
LI Yan1;LIU Jian-Guo2;KAI Gui-Yun2;LIU Yan-Ge2;XUE Li-Fang2;WANG Zhi2;YUAN Shu-Zhong2;DONG Xiao-Yi2
1Department of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Handan College, Handan 0560052Institute of Modern Optics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071
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LI Yan, LIU Jian-Guo, KAI Gui-Yun et al  2007 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 2879-2882
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Abstract Birefringence of a microstructure fibre with irregular structures is investigated using the finite element method. The birefringence of each sample is statistically analysed, and the relation between the birefringence and the irregular structure of the microstructure fibre is derived. The results indicate that the irregular structure of the symmetrical microstructure fibre result in the birefringence which is more strongly affected by disorder of air holes than the
nonuniformity. Moreover, lower birefringence can be obtained with smaller air holes and larger pitch in the fibre structure.
Keywords: 42.81.Gs      02.70.Dc     
Received: 19 March 2007      Published: 20 September 2007
PACS:  42.81.Gs (Birefringence, polarization)  
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Articles by authors
LI Yan
LIU Jian-Guo
KAI Gui-Yun
LIU Yan-Ge
XUE Li-Fang
YUAN Shu-Zhong
DONG Xiao-Yi
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