Chin. Phys. Lett.  2007, Vol. 24 Issue (10): 2800-2803    DOI:
Original Articles |
Fragmentation Cross Sections of 158AGeV Pb Projectiles
G. Sher1;M. I. Shahzad1;M. Hussain2
1Physics Division, PINSTECH, Islamabad, Pakistan2Department of Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
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G. Sher, M. I. Shahzad, M. Hussain 2007 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 2800-2803
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Abstract We investigate the fragmentation cross sections of 158AGeV207Pb projectile interacting with different targets using CR39 nuclear track detectors. The exposure is made at SPS beam facility of CERN. The detectors are chemically etched to obtain data in the form of etched cone length. The nuclear and electromagnetic contributions to the measured total charge-changing cross sections are investigated. The estimated results are compared with those found in the literature for similar research work.
Keywords: 25.75.-q      25.70.Mn     
Received: 12 June 2007      Published: 20 September 2007
PACS:  25.75.-q (Relativistic heavy-ion collisions (collisions induced by light ions studied to calibrate relativistic heavy-ion collisions should be classified under both 25.75.-q and sections 13 or 25 appropriate to the light ions))  
  25.70.Mn (Projectile and target fragmentation)  
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Articles by authors
G. Sher
M. I. Shahzad
M. Hussain
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