Chin. Phys. Lett.  2007, Vol. 24 Issue (10): 2796-2799    DOI:
Original Articles |
The Average Lifetime of Giant Composite Systems Formed in Strongly Damped Collisions
TIAN Jun-Long1;WU Xi-Zhen1;OU Li1;LI Zhu-Xia1,2
1China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 1024132Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080
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TIAN Jun-Long, WU Xi-Zhen, OU Li et al  2007 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 2796-2799
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Abstract The dynamic, adiabatic and diabatic entrance potentials in strongly damped reactions of 238U+238U, 232Th+250Cf are calculated and compared. The feature of the dynamical potential implies that it is possible for the composite systems to stick together for a period of time. By means of the improved quantum molecular dynamics model the time evolution of the density and
charge distributions of giant composite systems and their fragments for reactions 238U+238U, 232Th+250Cf are investigated, from which the lifetimes of giant composite systems at different energies are obtained. The longest average lifetime of 238U+238U is found when the incident energy is about
Ec.m=1080MeV, which is about 1200fm/c.
Keywords: 25.70.-z      24.10.-i      25.60.Je     
Received: 28 February 2007      Published: 20 September 2007
PACS:  25.70.-z (Low and intermediate energy heavy-ion reactions)  
  24.10.-i (Nuclear reaction models and methods)  
  25.60.Je (Transfer reactions)  
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Articles by authors
TIAN Jun-Long
WU Xi-Zhen
LI Zhu-Xia
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