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Controllable Magnetic Focusing of Cold Atoms on a Chip |
LIU Yang;YUN Min;YIN Jian-Ping |
Key Laboratory for Optically and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Department of Physics, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062 |
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LIU Yang, YUN Min, YIN Jian-Ping 2006 Chin. Phys. Lett. 23 1698-1701 |
Abstract We propose a new lens scheme to focus cold atoms by using a controllable inhomogeneous magnetic field from a square current-carrying wire fabricated on a chip. The spatial distributions of the magnetic field are calculated, and the results show that the generated magnetic field is a two-dimensional (2D) quadrupole one and can be used to focus cold atoms or a cold atomic beam. The dynamic processes of cold atoms passing through our square wire layout and its focusing properties are studied by using Monte Carlo simulations. Our study shows that the atomic clouds can be focused effectively by our magnetic lens scheme, and the focal length of the atomic lens and its radius of focused spot can be continuously changed by adjusting the current in the wires.
Published: 01 July 2006
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