Rapidity Losses in Heavy-Ion Collisions from AGS to RHIC Energies
ZHOU Feng-Chu, YIN Zhong-Bao, ZHOU Dai-Cui
1Institute of Particle Physics, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan 430079 2Key Laboratory of Quark \& Lepton Physics (Ministy of Education), Huzhong Normal University, Wuhan 430079
Rapidity Losses in Heavy-Ion Collisions from AGS to RHIC Energies
ZHOU Feng-Chu, YIN Zhong-Bao, ZHOU Dai-Cui
1Institute of Particle Physics, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan 430079 2Key Laboratory of Quark \& Lepton Physics (Ministy of Education), Huzhong Normal University, Wuhan 430079
摘要We study the rapidity losses in central heavy-ion collisions from AGS to RHIC energies with the mean rapidity determined from the projectile net-baryon distribution after collisions. The projectile net-baryon distribution in the full rapidity range is obtained by phenomenologically removing the target contribution at the forward rapidity region from the experimental net-baryon measurements and taking into account the projectile contribution in the backward rapidity region. Based on the full projectile net-baryon distributions, calculations show that the rapidity loss stops increasing from the SPS top energy to RHIC energies, indicating that baryon transport does not depend strongly on energy at high energies.
Abstract:We study the rapidity losses in central heavy-ion collisions from AGS to RHIC energies with the mean rapidity determined from the projectile net-baryon distribution after collisions. The projectile net-baryon distribution in the full rapidity range is obtained by phenomenologically removing the target contribution at the forward rapidity region from the experimental net-baryon measurements and taking into account the projectile contribution in the backward rapidity region. Based on the full projectile net-baryon distributions, calculations show that the rapidity loss stops increasing from the SPS top energy to RHIC energies, indicating that baryon transport does not depend strongly on energy at high energies.
(Relativistic heavy-ion collisions (collisions induced by light ions studied to calibrate relativistic heavy-ion collisions should be classified under both 25.75.-q and sections 13 or 25 appropriate to the light ions))
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