Chin. Phys. Lett.  2024, Vol. 41 Issue (4): 040302    DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/41/4/040302
Nonadiabatic Holonomic Quantum Computation Based on Rydberg Ground State Blockade
Shi-Lei Su, Chen Wang, P.-Y. Song, and Gang Chen*
School of Physics, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
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Shi-Lei Su, Chen Wang, P.-Y. Song et al  2024 Chin. Phys. Lett. 41 040302
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Abstract Quantum gates are crucial for quantum computation and quantum information processing. However, their effectiveness is often hindered by systematic errors and decoherence. Therefore, achieving resilient quantum gates to these factors is of great significance. We present a method to construct nonadiabatic holonomic single- and two-qubit gates in a Rydberg ground-state-blockade regime. Our approach utilizes a far-off-resonant technique for the single-qubit gate and a modified Rydberg antiblockade for the two-qubit gate. The reduction of the population of single- and two-excitation Rydberg states and the nonadiabatic holonomic process during the construction of the gates ensure robustness to decoherence and systematic errors, respectively. Numerical results demonstrate the fidelity and robustness of our scheme. The proposed scheme holds promise for future applications in quantum computation and quantum information processing tasks.
Received: 02 January 2024      Editors' Suggestion Published: 22 April 2024
PACS:  03.65.-w (Quantum mechanics)  
  03.67.-a (Quantum information)  
  03.65.Vf (Phases: geometric; dynamic or topological)  
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Articles by authors
Shi-Lei Su
Chen Wang
P.-Y. Song
and Gang Chen
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