Chin. Phys. Lett.  2011, Vol. 28 Issue (6): 063202    DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/28/6/063202
Asymmetry of Photodetachment of F by Few-Cycle Infrared Laser Fields: Laser-Intensity Effects
BAI Li-Hua**, HOU Lu-Qiang, CUI Ting-Ting, LIU Yu-Heng , WANG Yan, ZHANG Hui-Fang, DENG Dong-Mei
Department of Physics, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444
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BAI Li-Hua, HOU Lu-Qiang, CUI Ting-Ting et al  2011 Chin. Phys. Lett. 28 063202
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Abstract Asymmetry of the photodetachment of F by few-cycle circularly polarized infrared laser fields is studied by using a nonperturbative quantum scattering theory. The asymmetry of photoelectrons emitted to a pair of two opposite directions for low laser peak intensities is found and the dependence of the asymmetry on the laser peak intensity is investigated. It is found that the asymmetry degree varies with the carrier-envelope (CE) phase as a sine-like pattern. The asymmetry degree, the value of the maximal asymmetry degree and the value of the CE phase corresponding to the maximal asymmetry degree vary with the laser peak intensity dramatically. At higher laser intensities, the asymmetry is still distinctive for relatively-long few-cycle pulses. It provides a possible means to measure the CE phase of laser pulses at lower intensities.
Keywords: 32.80.Rm      42.50.Hz      42.50.Vk     
Received: 07 September 2010      Published: 29 May 2011
PACS:  32.80.Rm (Multiphoton ionization and excitation to highly excited states)  
  42.50.Hz (Strong-field excitation of optical transitions in quantum systems; multiphoton processes; dynamic Stark shift)  
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Articles by authors
BAI Li-Hua
HOU Lu-Qiang
CUI Ting-Ting
LIU Yu-Heng
ZHANG Hui-Fang
DENG Dong-Mei
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