Chin. Phys. Lett.  2008, Vol. 25 Issue (6): 1935-1938    DOI:
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Quantum Hamilton--Jacobi Approach to Two Dimensional Singular Oscillator
Ozlem Yesiltas1;Bengu Demircioglu2
1Gazi University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Physics Department, 06500 Teknikokullar, Ankara, Turkey2Ankara University, Faculty of Sciences,Department of Physics, 06100 Tandou gan, Ankara, Turkey
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Ozlem Yesiltas, Bengu Demircioglu 2008 Chin. Phys. Lett. 25 1935-1938
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Abstract We obtain the solutions of two-dimensional singular oscillator which is known as the quantum Calogero--Sutherland model both in cartesian and parabolic
coordinates within the framework of quantum Hamilton Jacobi formalism. Solvability conditions and eigenfunctions are obtained by using the singularity structures of quantum momentum functions under some conditions. New potentials are generated by using the first two states of singular oscillator for parabolic coordinates.
Keywords: 03.65.Db      03.65.Ge     
Received: 25 January 2008      Published: 31 May 2008
PACS:  03.65.Db (Functional analytical methods)  
  03.65.Ge (Solutions of wave equations: bound states)  
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Articles by authors
Ozlem Yesiltas
Bengu Demircioglu
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