摘要The quantum entropy of the damping Jaynes-Cummings model is investigated in different decay coefficients under detuning conditions. The results indicate that the larger the decay coefficient is, the more quickly the entropy decays. The detuning of the atom and field frequencies reduce the entanglement maximum in short time regions, but delays the damping process of the entanglement. The sine modulation enhances the entanglement in short time regions.
Abstract:The quantum entropy of the damping Jaynes-Cummings model is investigated in different decay coefficients under detuning conditions. The results indicate that the larger the decay coefficient is, the more quickly the entropy decays. The detuning of the atom and field frequencies reduce the entanglement maximum in short time regions, but delays the damping process of the entanglement. The sine modulation enhances the entanglement in short time regions.
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