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    Exact Solution of the Bloch Equation with Time- Dependent Coefficients and Aharonov-Anandan Phase
    XU Jingbo, WANG Lan, GAO Xiaochun
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 129-131 (1993)
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    A TlBaCaCuO Thin Film Planar dc-Squid Magnetometer
    CHEN Lie, ZHANG Lihua, WENG Yaojun, YANG Tao, LIU Dong, SHAO Kai, YAN Shaolin
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 132-134 (1993)
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    Measurements of the 2P3/2 Vacancy State Alignment of Au Induced by Proton, Lithium and Boron Ion Impact
    XIA Zonghuang, MA Hongji, ZHUANG Yongzhong, XIE Xiaohong, LIU Hongtao, LU Xiting
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 135-138 (1993)
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    Critical Size of a Crossover from Noncrystalline Icosahedra to Crystalline Cuboctahedra Structure for Copper Clusters
    LIU Lei, ZHU Lei, CHEN Kaitai, LI Yufen
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 139-142 (1993)
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    Theoretical Studies of the C60 and Alkali Metal-Containing Complexes C60M
    ZHANG Daren, WU Ji’an, KONG Jing, YAN Jimin
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 143-146 (1993)
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    Studies on the Character of Wide Band Frequency Doubling in LiB3O5 Crystal
    XIE Fali, MAO Hongwei, WU Baichang, CHEN Chuangtian
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 147-150 (1993)
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    Study of Optical Nonlinearity in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Carbide Film
    XU Jun, CHEN Kunji, HUANG Xinfan, FENG Duan, ZHANG Dakui, LI Qun, WANG Wenyao, QIU Peihua
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 151-154 (1993)
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    Analysis and Simulation of Evolution Induced Catastrophe
    BAI Yilong, XIA Mengfen, KE Fujiu, LU Chunsheng, LING Zhong
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 155-158 (1993)
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    Solid C60: Pressure Induced Phase Transitions
    WANG Jifang, WANG Lijun, CHEN Liangchen, CHEN Hong, WANG Ruju, ZHANG Zhiting, CHE Rongzheng, ZHOU Lei
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 159-162 (1993)
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    Spectral Property and Stability of Color Centers in Alkali Halide Crystals Induced by He+ Ion Implantation at Room Temperature
    GU Hongen, CHEN Zhifang, LI Zhijuan
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 163-166 (1993)
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    Plasmon Excitation in 2D and 3D C60 Studied by Photoemission
    XUN Kun, DENG Junzhuo, YAO Jun, LIU Fengqin, TAO Xiaoping, LÜ Si hua, WANG Zuquan, WU Sicheng
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 167-170 (1993)
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    Properties of MnBiTe and MnBiTeAl Magnetic Thin Films
    LUO Chunping, KONG Lingchao, WANG Yinjun
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 171-174 (1993)
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    Magnetic Hardening of Rapidly Quenched Co-M-Zr (M=B, Fe) Alloys
    SHEN Baogen, YANG Linyuan, CAO Lei, GUO Huiqun
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 175-178 (1993)
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    Magnetostriction of RFe11Ti and RFe10Cr2
    LI Jingyuan, LI Qing an, YANG Fuming, LI Ruqi, FAN Xiaoli, ZMAO Xuegen, JIA Kechang
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 179-182 (1993)
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    Low Temperature Phase Transition of an Orthorhombic Tungsten Bronze Ferroelectric Sr2-xCaxNaNb5O15
    ZHONG Weilie, ZHANG Peilin, ZHAO Huansui, HAN Zhaozhong, CHEN Huanchu
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 183-185 (1993)
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    An Extremely High Coercivity in Cu Doped Bi,Ga: DyIG Films for Magneto-optical Recording
    ZHOU Yong, SHEN Defang, GAN Fuxi
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 186-188 (1993)
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    Effect of Heat Treatment on Electrical and Optical Properties of Cd2SnO4 Films
    PENG Dongliang, JIANG Shengrui, WANG Wanlu
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 10, 189-192 (1993)
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