摘要We propose a quantum teleportation scheme for tripartite entangled coherent state (ECS) with continuous variable. Our scheme is feasible and economical in the sense that we need only linear optical devices such as beam splitters, phase shifters and photon detectors and employ three bipartite maximally ECSs as quantum channels. We also generalize the tripartite scheme into multipartite case and calculate the minimum average fidelity for the schemes in tripartite and multipartite cases.
Abstract:We propose a quantum teleportation scheme for tripartite entangled coherent state (ECS) with continuous variable. Our scheme is feasible and economical in the sense that we need only linear optical devices such as beam splitters, phase shifters and photon detectors and employ three bipartite maximally ECSs as quantum channels. We also generalize the tripartite scheme into multipartite case and calculate the minimum average fidelity for the schemes in tripartite and multipartite cases.
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