XUV Spectroscopy of Subpicosecond Laser Produced Plasmas
JIANG Zhiming (Z. Jiang)*, J. C. Kieffer, M. Chaker
Institute National de la Recherchè Scientifique, INRS-énergie et matéraux, C. P. 1020, Varennes, Quebec, Canada J3X 1S2
*On leave from Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Academia Sinica, Shanghai 201800
XUV Spectroscopy of Subpicosecond Laser Produced Plasmas
JIANG Zhiming (Z. Jiang)*;J. C. Kieffer;M. Chaker
Institute National de la Recherchè Scientifique, INRS-énergie et matéraux, C. P. 1020, Varennes, Quebec, Canada J3X 1S2
*On leave from Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Academia Sinica, Shanghai 201800
Abstract: The keV and XUV spectra of plasmas produced by the interaction of a laser pulse of various duration and wavelengths with, a solid Al target are compared and discussed. Drastic decrease of the XUV emission from the high ionization states was observed with the shortest pulses (500fs) and the shortest wavelength (0.5μm), which may be due to rapid cooling and quenching of ultrashort-lived and initially ultra-dense plasmas.
JIANG Zhiming (Z. Jiang)*;J. C. Kieffer;M. Chaker. XUV Spectroscopy of Subpicosecond Laser Produced Plasmas[J]. 中国物理快报, 1994, 11(9): 554-557.
JIANG Zhiming (Z. Jiang)*, J. C. Kieffer, M. Chaker. XUV Spectroscopy of Subpicosecond Laser Produced Plasmas. Chin. Phys. Lett., 1994, 11(9): 554-557.