Computational Generation and the Simulation of the LightScattering of Self-Affine Fractal Random Surface
We propose a method for the generation of self-affine fractal random surfaces, in which we use Fourier transform and its inversion in the algorithm. The light scattering of surfaces of this kind is simulated at different incident angles of illumination. The variation of the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the intensity profile versus the perpendicular component k⊥ of the wave-vector shows clearly the characteristics of the surfaces parameters. The simulation demonstrates how the value of FWHM at k2⊥ w2 ≤ 1 region and the slope of ln wp - ln k⊥ curve at k2⊥ w2 ≥ 1 region are used, respectively, to extract the lateral correlation length ξ and the roughness exponent α.
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LIU Wen-Xian, TENG Shu-Yun, ZHANG Ning-Yu, LIU De-Li, CHENG Chuan-Fu. Computational Generation and the Simulation of the LightScattering of Self-Affine Fractal Random Surface[J]. Chin. Phys. Lett., 2001, 18(2): 217-219.
LIU Wen-Xian, TENG Shu-Yun, ZHANG Ning-Yu, LIU De-Li, CHENG Chuan-Fu. Computational Generation and the Simulation of the LightScattering of Self-Affine Fractal Random Surface[J]. Chin. Phys. Lett., 2001, 18(2): 217-219.
LIU Wen-Xian, TENG Shu-Yun, ZHANG Ning-Yu, LIU De-Li, CHENG Chuan-Fu. Computational Generation and the Simulation of the LightScattering of Self-Affine Fractal Random Surface[J]. Chin. Phys. Lett., 2001, 18(2): 217-219.
LIU Wen-Xian, TENG Shu-Yun, ZHANG Ning-Yu, LIU De-Li, CHENG Chuan-Fu. Computational Generation and the Simulation of the LightScattering of Self-Affine Fractal Random Surface[J]. Chin. Phys. Lett., 2001, 18(2): 217-219.