Room-Temperature AlGaAsSb/InGaAsSb Multi-Quantum-Well Laserswith High Characteristic Temperature

  • Planar structure AlGaAsSb/InGaAsSb lasers operated at 2.01μm with high characteristic temperature have been fabricated from a strained multiple quantum-well heterostructure. To decrease the free carrier induced absorption of optical mode in the mid-infrared, we design a broaden waveguide layer in the laser structures to decrease the optical mode distribution in the heavy doped cladding layer, therefore it can be absorbed easily. To enhance the characteristic temperature of laser diodes, Al constituent up to 80% was applied to the AlGaAsSb cladding layer. The laser diodes with a threshold current density of 1.8 kA/cm2 can be pulsed operating up to 340 K. The characteristic temperature T0 is 125 K and 90 K in the operating temperature ranges 170-220 K and 230-340 K, respectively. The emission spectrum shows a multiple longitudinal mode.
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