ULF Waves Associated with Solar Wind Deceleration in the Earth's Foreshock

  • Characteristics of ULF waves associated with the solar wind deceleration in the Earth's foreshock on 6-7 April 2003 is studied using the wave telescope technique. In the satellite frame, the ULF waves are the left-handed polarized and quasi anti-parallel propagating mode, with a power peak at about 18.63mHz. The wave vector in the GSE coordinates is estimated to be k = (-4.29, 2.28, 1.21)×10-4km-1. In the solar wind frame, the frequency of waves becomes -9.39mHz after the Doppler shift correction. The propagation direction of the waves is thus reversed and correspondingly the polarization of the waves becomes right-handed. The above-mentioned characteristics of the ULF waves in the solar wind frame indicate that the ULF waves associated with the solar wind deceleration are the Alfven-whistler waves, which have been frequently reported in both the observations and computer simulations.
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