Chinese Physics Letters, 2017, Vol. 34, No. 7, Article code 070305 A Four-Phase Improvement of Grover's Algorithm * Bo-Wen Ma(马博文)1,2, Wan-Su Bao(鲍皖苏)1,2**, Tan Li(李坦)1,2, Feng-Guang Li(李风光)1,2, Shuo Zhang(张硕)1,2, Xiang-Qun Fu(付向群)1,2 Affiliations 1Henan Key Laboratory of Quantum Information and Cryptography, Zhengzhou 450001 2Synergetic Innovation Center of Quantum Information and Quantum Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026 Received 26 April 2017 *Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China under Grant No 2013CB338002, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 11504430.
**Corresponding author. Email:
Citation Text: Ma B W, Bao W S, Li T, Li F G and Zhang S et al 2017 Chin. Phys. Lett. 34 070305 Abstract When applying Grover's algorithm to an unordered database, the probability of obtaining correct results usually decreases as the quantity of target increases. A four-phase improvement of Grover's algorithm is proposed to fix the deficiency, and the unitary and the phase-matching condition are also proposed. With this improved scheme, when the proportion of target is over 1/3, the probability of obtaining correct results is greater than 97.82% with only one iteration using two phases. When the computational complexity is $O(\sqrt{M/N})$, the algorithm can succeed with a probability no less than 99.63%. DOI:10.1088/0256-307X/34/7/070305 PACS:03.67.Lx, 03.67.-a, 03.67.Ac © 2017 Chinese Physics Society Article Text A quantum search algorithm is able to search a target in a parallel way. However, due to the property of quantum mechanics, it cannot yield an answer with certainty but with a probability. Therefore, how to increase the probability of a target is the key to design a quantum search algorithm. Grover's algorithm[1,2] is one of the most famous quantum search algorithms, compared with classical search algorithms, it achieves quadratic acceleration when searching a target in an unordered database. Nevertheless, there are still some imperfections with it. When the proportion of target is over 1/4, the success probability decreases rapidly, and when the proportion of target is over 1/2, the algorithm fails. To amend these limitations, many methods have been proposed.[3-18] Grover[3] and Long et al.[4] extended the phases of the algorithm to be arbitrary. Younes et al.[9] proposed a quantum algorithm with the probability of success no less than 87.88% by using the partial diffusion operator. In 2005, Grover[10] presented a fixed point quantum algorithm with the phase $\pi /3$; when the proportion of target is more than 1/3, a target can be searched with the probability over 90% with only one iteration. Li et al.[11] proposed a new phase-matching condition, and they also mentioned that when the proportion of target is over 1/3, the success probability is greater than 25/27 with only one iteration. Zhong et al.[14] obtained a quantum search algorithm based on the phase 1.018, achieving a success probability larger than 93.43%. Li et al.[15] proposed a fixed-phase quantum search algorithm with more flexible behavior, yielding a success probability of 99.38% with the phase fixed at $0.1\pi$. Younes[16] presented a fixed-phase search algorithm, yielding the minimum success probability at 99.58%, with phase fixed at $1.91684\pi $. Li et al.[17] proposed his quantum search algorithm based on multi-phase, of which the success probability rises with the increase of the number of phases with just one iteration, and tends to be 100% when the proportion of target is over a limit. In 2017, Guo et al.[18] proposed a Q-learning-based adjustable fixed-phase quantum Grover search algorithm which avoids the optimal local situations, enabling success probabilities to approach one. There are two phases which can be changed in Long's algorithm,[4] while three phases allowed changing in Ref. [11]. In this Letter, the number of variable phases is generated to four. In this proposed scheme, when the proportion of target is over 1/3, by using two different phases 1.3789 and 1.8025, the success probability is greater than 97.82% with only one iteration, which is relatively higher than the conclusion obtained by Zhong et al.[19] We also come up with an optimal phase 6.0215, of which the algorithm comes up with the probability no less than 99.63% in $O({\sqrt{M/N}})$, which is relatively higher than the conclusion from Younes[16] under the same conditions. When searching through an $N$-elements searching space $\{ 0,1,2\ldots N-1\}(N={2}^{n})$, these elements can be stored in $n$ bits, and there are $M$ targets for searching, $1\le M\le N$. The initial state of the algorithm is the equal superposition state $|s\rangle$, $$ |s\rangle ={H^{\otimes n}}{{|0\rangle}^{\otimes n}}=\frac{1}{{{2}^{n/2}}}\sum\limits_{x=0}^{{{2}^{n}}-1}{|x\rangle} =\frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\sum\limits_{x=0}^{N-1}{|x\rangle}.~~ \tag {1} $$ Grover's algorithm consists of repeated application of a quantum subroutine, called Grover iteration, denoted as $G$, which may be broken up into four steps. (1) Apply the oracle $I_{t}$. The purpose of using oracle $I_{t}$ is to reverse the amplitude of the target, which is $I_{t}|x\rangle ={(-1)^{f(x)}}|x\rangle$, when $|x\rangle =|t\rangle$ and $f(x)=1$. When $|x\rangle \ne |t\rangle$ and $f(x)=0$, $|t\rangle$ is the target state. Therefore, $I_{t}$ can be denoted as $$ I_{t}=I-2|t\rangle \langle t |.~~ \tag {2} $$ (2) Perform the Hadamard-transform ${H^{\otimes n}}$. (3) Apply a conditional phase shift, which performs a $(-1)$ phase shift to all states except $|0\rangle $. This transform can be expressed as $$ I_0=2|0\rangle \langle 0 |-I.~~ \tag {3} $$ (4) Perform the Hadamard-transform ${H^{\otimes n}}$. It is useful to note that the combined effect of steps (2)–(4) $$ I_{s}=H^{\otimes n}(2|0\rangle \langle 0 |-I){H^{\otimes n}}=2|s\rangle \langle s |-I.~~ \tag {4} $$ Thus the Grover iteration may be written as $$ G=I_{s}I_{t}.~~ \tag {5} $$ In fact, the Grover iteration can be seen as a rotation in the two-dimensional space spanned by the vectors $|\alpha\rangle $ and $|\beta\rangle$, where $|\alpha \rangle $ indicates the normalized states of the sum of all targets, and $|\beta \rangle $ indicates normalized states of the sum of non-targets. The initial state $|s\rangle$ may be rewritten as $$ |s\rangle =\sin \theta |\alpha \rangle +\cos \theta |\beta \rangle,~~ \tag {6} $$ where $\sin \theta =\sqrt{M/N}$. Apply $G$ to $|s\rangle $ for $k$ times, and use some simple algebra $$ {G^{k}}|s\rangle =\sin ((2k+1)\theta)|\alpha \rangle +\cos ((2k+1)\theta)|\beta \rangle.~~ \tag {7} $$ When this occurs, a target will be searched with the success probability $$ P={{\sin}^{2}}((2k+1)\theta),~~ \tag {8} $$ set[20] $$ k=\lfloor \frac{\pi \sqrt{N/M}}{4} \rfloor.~~ \tag {9} $$ The image of $P$ is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. The success probability as a function of the proportion of target in Grover's algorithm.
For simplicity, the proportion of target is denoted as $\lambda (\lambda =M/N)$. From Fig. 1, when $1/4\le \lambda \le 1/2$, the success probability decreases rapidly, when $\lambda \ge 1/2$, the algorithm fails. From Eqs. (8) and (9), when $\lambda =0.147$, $P=0.854$, when $\lambda =0.5$, $P=0.5$. To fix these limitations mentioned above, Long et al.[4] extended the phases of the algorithm from $\pi$ to arbitrary. In the algorithm $$\begin{align} I_0=\,&(1-{e^{i\alpha}})|0\rangle \langle 0 |-I, \\ I_{t}=\,&I-(1-{e^{i\beta}})|t\rangle \langle t |,~~ \tag {10} \end{align} $$ which obtain two changeable phases, Long et al.[4] also found a phase-matching condition, that is, when $\alpha=\beta$, the success probability is much higher. Li et al.[11] proposed a different improved scheme from phases and a different phase-matching condition. In the algorithm, $$\begin{align} I_0=\,&(1-{e^{i\alpha}})|0\rangle \langle 0 |+{e^{i\alpha}}I,\\ I_{t}=\,&I-(1-{e^{i\beta}})|t\rangle \langle t |,~~ \tag {11} \end{align} $$ which obtains three changeable phases, and the phase-matching condition is $\alpha=-\beta$. Li et al.[11] also mentioned that when $\lambda \ge 1/3$, setting $\alpha=-\beta=-\pi/2$, the success probability $P\ge 25/27$ can be obtained after only one Grover iteration. In this four-phase improved scheme, two operators are generally expressed as follows: $$\begin{align} I_0=\,&(1-{e^{i\beta}})|0\rangle \langle 0 |{+}{e^{i\alpha}}I,\\ I_{t}=\,&-{e^{i\varphi}}I-(1-{e^{i\phi}})|t\rangle \langle t |.~~ \tag {12} \end{align} $$ The four changeable phases $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\varphi$ and $\phi $ must keep $\alpha =\beta$ or $\alpha =\pi$ and $\varphi =\phi$ or $\varphi =\pi $. The unitary of the operator described by Eq. (12) is proved in the following. Since $$ I_0=(1-{e^{i\beta}})|0\rangle \langle 0 |{+}{e^{i\alpha}}I,~~ \tag {13} $$ then $$\begin{align} I_0^†=\,&(1-{e^{-i\beta}})|0\rangle \langle 0 |{+}{e^{-i\alpha}}I,~~ \tag {14} \end{align} $$ $$\begin{align} I_0I_0^†=\,&\left(\begin{matrix} 1-{e^{i\beta}}+{e^{i\alpha}} & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ 0 & {e^{i\alpha}} & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & \cdots & {e^{i\alpha}} \\ \end{matrix}\right)\\ &\times \left(\begin{matrix} 1-{e^{-i\beta}}+{e^{-i\alpha}} & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ 0 & {e^{-i\alpha}} & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & \cdots & {e^{-i\alpha}} \\ \end{matrix}\right) \\ =\,&\left(\begin{matrix} A_{11} & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & \cdots & 1 \\ \end{matrix}\right),~~ \tag {15} \end{align} $$ where $A_{11}=(1-{e^{i\beta}}+{e^{i\alpha}})(1-{e^{-i\beta}}+{e^{-i\alpha}})$. If $I_0$ is unitary, $$ (1-{e^{i\beta}}+{e^{i\alpha}})(1-{e^{-i\beta}}+{e^{-i\alpha}})=1,~~ \tag {16} $$ must be satisfied. From Eq. (16), $\alpha =\pi $ or $\alpha =\beta $ is obtained, $$\begin{align} I_{t}=\,&-{e^{i\varphi}}I-(1-{e^{i\phi}})|t\rangle \langle t |,~~ \tag {17} \end{align} $$ $$\begin{align} I_{t}^†=\,&-{e^{-i\varphi}}I-(1-{e^{-i\phi}})|t\rangle \langle t |,~~ \tag {18} \end{align} $$ $$\begin{align} I_{t}I_{t}^†=\,&-[{e^{i\varphi}}(1-{e^{-i\phi}})+{e^{-i\varphi}}( 1-{e^{i\phi}})]|t\rangle \langle t |\\ &+1+(1-{e^{i\phi}})(1-{e^{-i\phi}}){{(|t\rangle \langle t |)}^{2}}.~~ \tag {19} \end{align} $$ Since ${{(|t\rangle \langle t |)}^{2}}=|t\rangle \langle t |$, then $$\begin{align} I_{t}I_{t}^†=\,&[(1-{e^{i\phi}})(1-{e^{-i\phi}}) -{e^{i\varphi}}(1-{e^{-i\phi}})\\ &+{e^{-i\varphi}}(1-{e^{i\phi}})]|t\rangle \langle t |+1.~~ \tag {20} \end{align} $$ If $I_{t}$ is unitary, $$ (1-{e^{i\phi}})(1-{e^{-i\phi}})-{e^{i\varphi}}(1-{e^{-i\phi}}) +{e^{-i\varphi}}(1-{e^{i\phi}})=0~~ \tag {21} $$ must be satisfied. From Eq. (21), $\varphi =\pi $ or $\varphi =\phi $ is obtained. Since the Hadamard-transform ${H^{\otimes n}}$ is unitary, the unitary of this proposed scheme is proved. When $\alpha =\pi $, $\varphi =\phi $, it degenerates to Li's scheme.[11] When $\alpha =\pi $, $\varphi =\pi $, it becomes Long's algorithm.[4] When $\alpha =\beta =\phi =\varphi =\pi $, it becomes the original Grover's algorithm.[1] In this study, set $\alpha =\beta $ and $\varphi =\phi $, then operators $I_{s}$ and $I_{t}$ can be written as $$\begin{align} I_{s}=\,&(1-{e^{i\alpha}})|s\rangle \langle s |{+}{e^{i\alpha}}I,\\ I_{t}=\,&-{e^{i\phi}}I-(1-{e^{i\phi}})|t\rangle \langle t |.~~ \tag {22} \end{align} $$ Next, the performance of this four-phase scheme with one iteration is studied. Applying this four-phase Grover iteration to the initial state $|s\rangle $ described by Eq. (1), $$\begin{align} |{{\psi}_{1}} \rangle =\,&G|s\rangle =I_{s}I_{t}|s\rangle,~~ \tag {23} \end{align} $$ $$\begin{align} I_{t}|s\rangle=\,&[-{e^{i\phi}}I-(1-{e^{i\phi}})|t\rangle\langle t|][\sin \theta |\alpha \rangle +\cos \theta |\beta \rangle]\\ =\,&-{e^{i\phi}}|s\rangle -(1-{e^{i\phi}})\sin \theta |\alpha \rangle,~~ \tag {24} \end{align} $$ then $$\begin{align} |{{\psi}_{1}} \rangle =\,&I_{s}I_{t}|s\rangle\\ =\,&[(1-{e^{i\alpha}})|s\rangle \langle s |+{e^{i\alpha}}I][ -{e^{i\phi}}|s\rangle\\ &-(1-{e^{i\phi}})\sin \theta |\alpha \rangle]\\ =\,&-\sin \theta [{e^{i\phi}}+{{\sin}^{2}}\theta (1-{e^{i\alpha}})( 1-{e^{i\phi}})\\ &+{e^{i\alpha}}(1-{e^{i\phi}})]|\alpha \rangle -\cos \theta [ {e^{i\phi}}+{{\sin}^{2}}\theta\\ &\cdot(1-{e^{i\alpha}})(1-{e^{i\phi}})]|\beta \rangle.~~ \tag {25} \end{align} $$ Letting $$\begin{align} \delta =\,&-\sin \theta [{e^{i\phi}}+{{\sin}^{2}}\theta (1-{e^{i\alpha}})( 1-{e^{i\phi}})\\ &+{e^{i\alpha}}(1-{e^{i\phi}})],~~ \tag {26} \end{align} $$ the success probability $P={{|\delta |}^{2}}$. The control variant method is used to analyze $P$, setting $\sin \theta =0.1$ and $\sin \theta =0.5$, respectively, namely, the proportions of target are 0.01 and 0.25, the surface charts of $P$ are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Figures 4 and 5 are the top views of Figs. 2 and 3, respectively.
Fig. 2. The relationship between the success probability $P$, phases $\alpha$ and $\phi$, when $\lambda = 0.01$.
Fig. 3. The relationship between the success probability $P$, phases $\alpha$ and $\phi$, when $\lambda = 0.25$.
Fig. 4. The top view of Fig. 2.
Fig. 5. The top view of Fig. 3.
From these figures, when $\alpha =\phi $, the success probability is obviously higher, therefore, $\alpha =\phi $ is taken as the phase-matching condition. Under this condition, $P$ can be simplified to $$\begin{alignat}{1} P=\,&(4{{\cos}^{2}}\alpha -8\cos \alpha +4){{\lambda}^{3}}+(-4{{\cos}^{2}}\alpha\\ &+12\cos \alpha -8){{\lambda}^{2}}+(5-4\cos \alpha)\lambda.~~ \tag {27} \end{alignat} $$ When $\alpha =1.3789$ and $\alpha =1.8025$, the curves of $P$ are shown in Fig. 6 ($\alpha =1.3789$) and Fig. 7 ($\alpha =1.8025$), respectively.
Fig. 6. The success probability as a function of the proportion of target in our scheme when the phase $\alpha =1.3789$.
Fig. 7. The success probability as a function of the proportion of target in our scheme when the phase $\alpha =1.8025$.
Fig. 8. The success probability as a function of the proportion of target. When the proportion of target $0\le \lambda \le 0.490$, setting the phase $\alpha =1.8025$, and when the proportion of target $\lambda \ge 0.490$, setting the phase $\alpha =1.3789$.
From Figs. 6 and 7, when the proportion of target $1/3\le \lambda \le 0.490$, by setting the phase $\alpha =1.8025$, the minimum of $P$ is 97.83%. When the proportion of target $\lambda \ge 0.490$, by setting the phase $\alpha =1.3789$, the minimum of $P$ is 97.82%. As a result, when $\lambda\ge 1/3$, the minimum of $P$ is 97.82% with just one iteration, which is relatively higher than the conclusion obtained by Zhong et al.[19] The curve of $P$ is shown in Fig. 8. Then the performance of this four-phase scheme is researched with arbitrary iteration. With the basis vectors $|\alpha \rangle $ and $|\beta \rangle $, the four-phase Grover iteration can be expressed as $$\begin{align} G=\left[\begin{matrix} G_{11}& G_{12}\\ G_{21}& G_{22}\\ \end{matrix}\right],~~ \tag {28} \end{align} $$ where $G_{11}=-[{e^{i\alpha}}+(1-{e^{i\alpha}}){{\sin}^{2}}\theta]$, $G_{12}=-{e^{i\alpha}}(1-{e^{i\alpha}})\sin \theta \cos \theta$, $G_{21}=-(1-{e^{i\alpha}})\sin \theta \cos \theta$, and $G_{22}=-[{e^{2i\alpha}}+{e^{i\alpha}}( 1-{e^{i\alpha}}){{\cos}^{2}}\theta]$. The phase-matching condition $\alpha =\phi $ is still used. Here $|s\rangle $ can be re-expressed as ${{(\sin \theta,\cos \theta)}^{\rm T}}$ with the basis vectors $|\alpha \rangle $ and $ |\beta \rangle $. Using $|s\rangle $ as the initial state, and applying the four-phase Grover iteration to $|s\rangle $ for $k$ times $$ |{{\psi}^{(k)}}\rangle ={G^{^{k}}}{{(\sin \theta,\cos \theta)}^{\rm T}}={{( {{a}_{k}},{{b}_{k}})}^{\rm T}}.~~ \tag {29} $$ A target will be searched with the probability $P={{|{{a}_{k}} |}^{2}}$ after measuring $|{{\psi}^{(k)}}\rangle $. Here $P$ is functions of $\alpha $, $\theta $ and $k$. Set $k=\lfloor {\pi}/{\sin \theta}\rfloor $, the relationship between the probability $P$, phase $\alpha $ and the proportion of target $\lambda $ is shown in Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. The relationship between probability, phase, and proportion of target.
Fig. 10. The success probability as a function of the proportion of target in our scheme when the number of iterations $k=\lfloor {\pi}/{\sin \theta}\rfloor $ and the phase $\alpha =6.0215$.
The definition of optimal phase from Zhong and Bao[14] is used for further research. Definition 1: Let ${{p}_{ij}}$ be the probability of success of obtaining the targets with phase shifts of ${{\alpha}_{i}}$, when the number of targets is $j$ and ${{p}_{_{i}}}=\min\{ {{p}_{ij}} \},1\le j\le N$, then the optimal phase shifts can be defined as $$ {\phi}_{\rm opt}={\phi}_{\{ {\rm opt}:{{P}_{\rm opt}}={\max \limits_{0\le i\le 2\pi}}\{P_{i}\}\}}.~~ \tag {30} $$ From Fig. 9, the optimal phase of this four-phase scheme $\alpha =6.0215$ can be obtained, of which the algorithm can succeed with a probability no less than 99.63%, which is relatively better than the conclusion from Younes.[16] This outcome is shown clearly in Fig. 10. In conclusion, a four-phase improved scheme of Grover's algorithm has been proposed, and the unitary and phase-matching condition have also been proposed. With this scheme, the probability of obtaining correct results is improved. When the proportion of target $\lambda\ge 1/3$, using two different phases 1.3789 and 1.8025, the minimum of success probability is 97.82% with just one iteration. When the computational complexity is $O(\sqrt{M/N})$, the algorithm can succeed with a probability no less than 99.63% with the phase 6.0215.
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