Volume 40 Issue 6

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Highlighted Articles

Shibo Xu, Zheng-Zhi Sun, Ke Wang, Liang Xiang, Zehang Bao, Zitian Zhu, Fanhao Shen, Zixuan Song, Pengfei Zhang, Wenhui Ren, Xu Zhang, Hang Dong, Jinfeng Deng, Jiachen Chen, Yaozu Wu, Ziqi Tan, Yu Gao, Feitong Jin, Xuhao Zhu, Chuanyu Zhang, Ning Wang, Yiren Zou, Jiarun Zhong, Aosai Zhang, Weikang Li, Wenjie Jiang, Li-Wei Yu, Yunyan Yao, Zhen Wang, Hekang Li, Qiujiang Guo, Chao Song, H. Wang, and Dong-Ling Deng
Chin. Phys. Lett., 2023, 40 (6): 060301   PDF ( 1018 )   HTML ( 944 )
Jin-Cheng He, Zhao Pan, Dan Su, Xu-Dong Shen, Jie Zhang, Da-Biao Lu, Hao-Ting Zhao, Jun-Zhuang Cong, En-Ke Liu, You-Wen Long, and Young Sun
Chin. Phys. Lett., 2023, 40 (6): 066501   PDF ( 287 )   HTML ( 322 )
Fan Zhang and Lan Yin
Chin. Phys. Lett., 2023, 40 (6): 066701   PDF ( 543 )   HTML ( 533 )
Sheng Ma, Shanshan Yan, Jiali Liu, Yizhe Wang, Yuhang Zhang, Zhen Zhao, Zouyouwei Lu, Dong Li, Yue Liu, Jihu Lu, Hua Zhang, Haitao Yang, Fang Zhou, Zian, Li, Xiaoli Dong, and Zhongxian Zhao
Chin. Phys. Lett., 2023, 40 (6): 067402   PDF ( 340 )   HTML ( 325 )
Jing-Yang You, Xue-Juan Dong, Bo Gu, and Gang Su
Chin. Phys. Lett., 2023, 40 (6): 067502   PDF ( 412 )   HTML ( 623 )
Jinsen Han, Kang Lai, Xiaoxiang Yu, Jiahao Chen, Hongli Guo, and Jiayu Dai
Chin. Phys. Lett., 2023, 40 (6): 067801   PDF ( 183 )   HTML ( 324 )
Yinjiang Shao, Jian Zhou, Ning Xu, Jian Chen, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Yi Shi, and Songlin Li
Chin. Phys. Lett., 2023, 40 (6): 068501   PDF ( 142 )   HTML ( 276 )
Rui Li, Shaochun Lin, Liang Zhang, Changkui Duan, Pu Huang, and Jiangfeng Du
Chin. Phys. Lett., 2023, 40 (6): 069502   PDF ( 251 )   HTML ( 259 )

Current Issue

Digital Simulation of Projective Non-Abelian Anyons with 68 Superconducting Qubits
Shibo Xu, Zheng-Zhi Sun, Ke Wang, Liang Xiang, Zehang Bao, Zitian Zhu, Fanhao Shen, Zixuan Song, Pengfei Zhang, Wenhui Ren, Xu Zhang, Hang Dong, Jinfeng Deng, Jiachen Chen, Yaozu Wu, Ziqi Tan, Yu Gao, Feitong Jin, Xuhao Zhu, Chuanyu Zhang, Ning Wang, Yiren Zou, Jiarun Zhong, Aosai Zhang, Weikang Li, Wenjie Jiang, Li-Wei Yu, Yunyan Yao, Zhen Wang, Hekang Li, Qiujiang Guo, Chao Song, H. Wang, and Dong-Ling Deng
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 060301 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/060301
Abstract   PDF(pc) (14075KB) ( 1018 ) PDF(mobile)(16527KB) ( 43 ) HTML ( 944
Non-Abelian anyons are exotic quasiparticle excitations hosted by certain topological phases of matter. They break the fermion-boson dichotomy and obey non-Abelian braiding statistics: their interchanges yield unitary operations, rather than merely a phase factor, in a space spanned by topologically degenerate wavefunctions. They are the building blocks of topological quantum computing. However, experimental observation of non-Abelian anyons and their characterizing braiding statistics is notoriously challenging and has remained elusive hitherto, in spite of various theoretical proposals. Here, we report an experimental quantum digital simulation of projective non-Abelian anyons and their braiding statistics with up to 68 programmable superconducting qubits arranged on a two-dimensional lattice. By implementing the ground states of the toric-code model with twists through quantum circuits, we demonstrate that twists exchange electric and magnetic charges and behave as a particular type of non-Abelian anyons, i.e., the Ising anyons. In particular, we show experimentally that these twists follow the fusion rules and non-Abelian braiding statistics of the Ising type, and can be explored to encode topological logical qubits. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to implement both single- and two-qubit logic gates through applying a sequence of elementary Pauli gates on the underlying physical qubits. Our results demonstrate a versatile quantum digital approach for simulating non-Abelian anyons, offering a new lens into the study of such peculiar quasiparticles.
Engineering Knill–Laflamme–Milburn Entanglement via Dissipation and Coherent Population Trapping in Rydberg Atoms
Rui Li, Shuang He, Zhi-Jun Meng, Zhao Jin, and Wei-Jiang Gong
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 060302 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/060302
Abstract   PDF(pc) (2891KB) ( 155 ) PDF(mobile)(2919KB) ( 1 ) HTML ( 287
We present a scheme for dissipatively preparing bipartite Knill–Laflamme–Milburn (KLM) entangled state in a neutral atom system, where the spontaneous emission of excited Rydberg states, combined with the coherent population trapping, is actively exploited to engineer a steady KLM state from an arbitrary initial state. Instead of commonly used antiblockade dynamics of two Rydberg atoms, we particularly utilize the Rydberg–Rydberg interaction as the pumping source to drive the undesired states so that it is unnecessary to satisfy a certain relation with laser detuning. The numerical simulation of the master equation signifies that both the fidelity and the purity above 98$\%$ is available with the current feasible parameters, and the corresponding steady-state fidelity is robust to the variations of the dynamical parameters.
First Results from the Underground Nuclear Reaction Experiments in JUNA
W. P. Liu (JUNA collaboration)
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 060401 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/060401
Abstract   PDF(pc) (2978KB) ( 229 ) PDF(mobile)(2971KB) ( 1 ) HTML ( 227
Enhanced Extreme Ultraviolet Free Induction Decay Emission Assisted by Attosecond Pulses
Wenkai Tao, Li Wang, Pan Song, Fan Xiao, Jiacan Wang, Zhigang Zheng, Jing Zhao, Xiaowei Wang, and Zengxiu Zhao
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 063201 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/063201
Abstract   PDF(pc) (14002KB) ( 320 ) PDF(mobile)(14026KB) ( 16 ) HTML ( 349
We demonstrate the extreme ultraviolet free induction decay emission that can be significantly enhanced by employing isolated attosecond pulses. The near infrared pulses are applied to excite the neon atoms into Rydberg states coherently, and isolated attosecond pulses are used to manipulate populations of the Rydberg states and the subsequent free induction decay process. The time resolved experimental measurement of dependence of the resonance emission yield would help to understand the buildup dynamics of population of excited states. The enhancement assisted by attosecond pulses can serve as a mechanism to develop high-flux extreme ultraviolet light sources.
Photonic Generation of Chirp-Rate-Tunable Microwave Waveforms Using Temporal Cavity Solitons with Agile Repetition Rate
Wen-Hao Xiong, Chuan-Fei Yao, Ping-Xue Li, Fei-Yu Zhu, and Ruo-Nan Lei
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 064201 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/064201
Abstract   PDF(pc) (7069KB) ( 203 ) PDF(mobile)(7318KB) ( 3 ) HTML ( 209
Chirp-rate-tunable microwave waveforms (CTMWs) with dynamically tunable parameters are of basic interest to many practical applications. Recently, photonic generation of microwave signals has made their bandwidths wider and more convenient for optical fiber transmission. An all-optical method for generation of multiband CTMWs is proposed and demonstrated on all-fiber architecture, relying on dual temporal cavity solitons with agile repetition rate. In the experiment, the triangular optical chirp microwave waveforms with bandwidth above 0.45 GHz (ranging from 1.45 GHz to 1.9 GHz) are obtained, and the chirp rate reaches 0.9 GHz/ms. The reconfigurability is also demonstrated by adjusting the control signal. This all-optical approach provides a technical basis for compact, multi-band reconfigurable microwave photonics transmission and reception systems.
Self-Oscillated Growth Formation of Standing Ultrathin Nanosheets out of Uniform Ge/Si Superlattice Nanowires
Xin Gan, Junyang An, Junzhuan Wang, Zongguang Liu, Jun Xu, Yi Shi, Kunji Chen, and Linwei Yu
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 066101 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/066101
Abstract   PDF(pc) (30579KB) ( 142 ) PDF(mobile)(30596KB) ( 3 ) HTML ( 163
Self-oscillation is an intriguing and omnipresent phenomenon that governs a broad range of growth dynamics and formation of nanoscale periodic and delicate heterostructures. A self-oscillating growth phenomenon of catalyst droplets, consuming surface-coating a-Si/a-Ge bilayer, is exploited to accomplish a high-frequency alternating growth of ultrathin crystalline Si and Ge (c-Si/c-Ge) nano-slates, with Ge-rich layer thickness of 14–19 nm, embedded within a superlattice nanowire structure, with pre-known position and uniform channel diameter. A subsequent selective etching of the Ge-rich segments leaves a chain of ultrafine standing c-Si nanosheets down to $\sim$ $6$ nm thick, without the use of any expensive high-resolution lithography and growth modulation control. A ternary-phase-competition model has been established to explain the underlying formation mechanism of this nanoscale self-oscillating growth dynamics. It is also suggested that these ultrathin nanosheets could help to produce ultrathin fin-channels for advanced electronics, or provide size-specified trapping sites to capture and position hetero nanoparticle for high-precision labelling or light emission.
Magnetic-Field-Induced Sign Changes of Thermal Expansion in DyCrO$_{4}$
Jin-Cheng He, Zhao Pan, Dan Su, Xu-Dong Shen, Jie Zhang, Da-Biao Lu, Hao-Ting Zhao, Jun-Zhuang Cong, En-Ke Liu, You-Wen Long, and Young Sun
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 066501 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/066501
Abstract   PDF(pc) (7667KB) ( 287 ) PDF(mobile)(7685KB) ( 14 ) HTML ( 322
The anharmonicity of lattice vibration is mainly responsible for the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of materials. External stimuli, such as magnetic and electric fields, thus cannot effectively change the CTE, much less the sign variation from positive to negative or vice versa. In this study, we report significant magnetic field effects on the CTE of zircon- and scheelite-type DyCrO$_{4}$ prepared at ambient and high pressures, respectively. At zero field, the zircon-type DyCrO$_{4}$ exhibits a negative CTE below the ferromagnetic-order temperature of 23 K. With increasing field up to $\ge $1.0 T, however, the sign of the CTE changes from negative to positive. In the scheelite phase, magnetic field can change the initially positive CTE to be negative with a field up to 2.0 T, and then a reentrant positive CTE is induced by enhanced fields $\ge $3.5 T. Both zircon and scheelite phases exhibit considerable magnetostrictive effects with the absolute values as high as $\sim$ $800$ ppm at 2 K and 10 T. The strong spin–lattice coupling is discussed to understand the unprecedented sign changes of the CTE caused by applying magnetic fields. The current DyCrO$_{4}$ provides the first example of field-induced sign change of thermal expansion, opening up a way to readily control the thermal expansion beyond the conventional chemical substitution.
Hydrodynamics of a Multi-Component Bosonic Superfluid
Fan Zhang and Lan Yin
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 066701 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/066701
Abstract   PDF(pc) (407KB) ( 543 ) PDF(mobile)(430KB) ( 15 ) HTML ( 533
We obtain the superfluid hydrodynamic equations of a multi-component Bose gas with short-ranged interactions at zero temperature under the local equilibrium assumption and show that the quantum pressure is generally present in the nonuniform case. Our approach can be extended to systems with long-range interactions such as dipole-dipole interactions by treating the Hartree energy properly. For a highly symmetric superfluid, we obtain the excitation spectrum and show that except for the density phonon, all other excitations are all degenerate. The implication of our results is discussed.
Signatures of Temperature-Driven Lifshitz Transition in Semimetal Hafnium Ditelluride
Qixuan Li, Bin Wang, Nannan Tang, Chushan Li, Enkui Yi, Bing Shen, Donghui Guo, Dingyong Zhong, and Huichao Wang
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 067101 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/067101
Abstract   PDF(pc) (2770KB) ( 296 ) PDF(mobile)(2792KB) ( 2 ) HTML ( 286
Temperature-driven change of Fermi surface has been attracting attention recently as it is fundamental and essential to understand a metallic system. We report the magnetotransport anomalies in the semimetal HfTe$_{2}$ single crystals. The magnetoresistance behavior at high temperatures obeys Kohler's rule which can lead to the field-induced resistivity upturn behavior as observed. When the temperature is decreased to around 30 K, Kohler's rule becomes inapplicable, indicating the change of the Fermi surface in HfTe$_{2}$. The Hall analyses and extended Kohler's plot reveal abrupt change of carrier densities and mobilities near 30 K. These results suggest that the chemical potential may shift as the temperature increases and the shift causes an electron pocket to vanish. Our work of the temperature-driven Lifshitz transition in HfTe$_{2}$ is relevant to understanding of the transport anomalies and exotic physical properties in transition-metal dichalcogenides.
Gate-Tunable Negative Differential Conductance in Hybrid Semiconductor–Superconductor Devices
Ming-Li Liu, Dong Pan, Tian Le, Jiang-Bo He, Zhong-Mou Jia, Shang Zhu, Guang Yang, Zhao-Zheng Lyu, Guang-Tong Liu, Jie Shen, Jian-Hua Zhao, Li Lu, and Fan-Ming Qu
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 067301 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/067301
Abstract   PDF(pc) (11399KB) ( 185 ) PDF(mobile)(13467KB) ( 10 ) HTML ( 304
Negative differential conductance (NDC) serves as a crucial characteristic that reveals various underlying physics and transport process in hybrid superconducting devices. We report the observation of gate-tunable NDC outside the superconducting energy gap on two types of hybrid semiconductor–superconductor devices, i.e., normal metal–superconducting nanowire–normal metal and normal metal–superconducting nanowire–superconductor devices. Specifically, we study the dependence of the NDCs on back-gate voltage and magnetic field. When the back-gate voltage decreases, these NDCs weaken and evolve into positive differential conductance dips; and meanwhile they move away from the superconducting gap towards high bias voltage, and disappear eventually. In addition, with the increase of magnetic field, the NDCs/dips follow the evolution of the superconducting gap, and disappear when the gap closes. We interpret these observations and reach a good agreement by combining the Blonder–Tinkham–Klapwijk (BTK) model and the critical supercurrent effect in the nanowire, which we call the BTK-supercurrent model. Our results provide an in-depth understanding of the tunneling transport in hybrid semiconductor–superconductor devices.
Temperature-Dependent Anisotropy and Two-Band Superconductivity Revealed by Lower Critical Field in Organic Superconductor $\kappa$-(BEDT-TTF)$_{2}$Cu[N(CN)$_{2}$]Br
Huijing Mu, Jin Si, Qingui Yang, Ying Xiang, Haipeng Yang, and Hai-Hu Wen
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 067401 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/067401
Abstract   PDF(pc) (2169KB) ( 257 ) PDF(mobile)(2213KB) ( 3 ) HTML ( 291
Resistivity and magnetization have been measured at different temperatures and magnetic fields in organic superconductors $\kappa$-(BEDT-TTF)$_{2}$Cu[N(CN)$_{2}$]Br. The lower critical field and upper critical field are determined, which allow to depict a complete phase diagram. Through the comparison between the upper critical fields with magnetic field perpendicular and parallel to the conducting $ac$-planes, and the scaling of the in-plane resistivity with field along different directions, we find that the anisotropy ${\varGamma}$ is strongly dependent on temperature. It is realized that ${\varGamma}$ is quite large (above 20) near $T_{\rm c}$, which satisfies the 2D model, but approaches a small value in the low-temperature region. The 2D-Tinkham model can also be used to fit the data at high temperatures. This is explained as a crossover from the orbital depairing mechanism in high-temperature and low-field region to the paramagnetic depairing mechanism in the high-field and low-temperature region. The temperature dependence of lower critical field, $H_{\rm c1} (T)$, shows a concave shape in wide temperature region. It is found that neither a single d-wave nor a single s-wave gap can fit the $H_{\rm c1} (T)$, however a two-gap model containing an s-wave and a d-wave can fit the data rather well, suggesting two-band superconductivity and an unconventional pairing mechanism in this organic superconductor.
Hydrothermally Obtaining Superconductor Single Crystal of FeSe$_{0.2}$Te$_{0.8}$ without Interstitial Fe
Sheng Ma, Shanshan Yan, Jiali Liu, Yizhe Wang, Yuhang Zhang, Zhen Zhao, Zouyouwei Lu, Dong Li, Yue Liu, Jihu Lu, Hua Zhang, Haitao Yang, Fang Zhou, Zian, Li, Xiaoli Dong, and Zhongxian Zhao
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 067402 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/067402
Abstract   PDF(pc) (3525KB) ( 340 ) PDF(mobile)(3557KB) ( 27 ) HTML ( 325
We report a hydrothermal route to remove interstitial excess Fe in non-superconducting iron chalcogenide Fe$_{1+\delta}$Se$_{1-x}$Te$_{x}$ single crystals. The extra-Fe-free ($\delta \sim 0$) FeSe$_{0.2}$Te$_{0.8}$ single crystal thus obtained shows bulk superconductivity at $T_{\rm c} \sim 13.8$ K, which is about 2 K higher than the FeSe$_{0.2}$Te$_{0.8}$ sample obtained by usual post-annealing process. The upper critical field $\mu_{0}H_{\rm c2}$ is estimated to be $\sim$ $42.5$ T, similar to the annealed FeSe$_{0.2}$Te$_{0.8}$. It is surprising to find that the hydrothermal FeSe$_{0.2}$Te$_{0.8}$ exhibits a remarkably small isothermal magnetization hysteresis loop at $T = 3$ K. This yields an extremely low critical current density $J_{\rm c} \sim 1.1\times 10^{2}$ A$\cdot$cm$^{-2}$ (over 100 times smaller than the annealed FeSe$_{0.2}$Te$_{0.8}$) and indicates more free vortices in the hydrothermal FeSe$_{0.2}$Te$_{0.8}$.
Possible Room-Temperature Ferromagnetic Semiconductors
Jing-Yang You, Xue-Juan Dong, Bo Gu, and Gang Su
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 067502 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/067502
Abstract   PDF(pc) (35826KB) ( 412 ) PDF(mobile)(35842KB) ( 5 ) HTML ( 623
Magnetic semiconductors integrate the dual characteristics of magnets and semiconductors. It is difficult to manufacture magnetic semiconductors that function at room temperature. Here, we review a series of our recent theoretical predictions on room-temperature ferromagnetic semiconductors. Since the creation of two-dimensional (2D) magnetic semiconductors in 2017, there have been numerous developments in both experimental and theoretical investigations. By density functional theory calculations and model analysis, we recently predicted several 2D room-temperature magnetic semiconductors, including CrGeSe$_3$ with strain, CrGeTe$_3$/PtSe$_2$ heterostructure, and technetium-based semiconductors (TcSiTe$_3$, TcGeSe$_3$, and TcGeTe$_3$), as well as PdBr$_3$ and PtBr$_3$ with a potential room-temperature quantum anomalous Hall effect. Our findings demonstrated that the Curie temperature of these 2D ferromagnetic semiconductors can be dramatically enhanced by some external fields, such as strain, construction of heterostructure, and electric field. In addition, we proposed appropriate doping conditions for diluted magnetic semiconductors, and predicted the Cr doped GaSb and InSb as possible room-temperature magnetic semiconductors.
Multiple Magnetic Phase Transitions and Critical Behavior in Single-Crystal SmMn$_{2}$Ge$_{2}$
Xiao-Yan Wang, Jun-Fa Lin, Xiang-Yu Zeng, Huan Wang, Xiao-Ping Ma, Yi-Ting Wang, Kun Han, and Tian-Long Xia
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 067503 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/067503
Abstract   PDF(pc) (7437KB) ( 224 ) PDF(mobile)(7479KB) ( 5 ) HTML ( 233
Magnetic materials with noncollinear spin configurations have engendered significant interest in condensed matter physics due to their intriguing physical properties. We direct our attention towards the magnetic properties and critical behavior of single-crystal SmMn$_{2}$Ge$_{2}$, an itinerant magnet with numerous temperature-dependent magnetic phase transitions. Notably, SmMn$_{2}$Ge$_{2}$ displays significant magnetic anisotropy with easy magnetization direction switching from the $c$ axis to the $ab$ plane as temperature decreases. The critical behavior of the ferromagnetic transition occurring above room temperature is thoroughly examined. Reliable and self-consistent critical exponents, including $\beta = 0.292(2)$, $\gamma=0.924(8)$, and $\delta = 4.164(6)$, along with the Curie temperature $T_{\rm c}=347$ K, are extracted through various methods, which provide evidence for the coexistence of multiple magnetic interactions in SmMn$_{2}$Ge$_{2}$. Further analysis reveals that the magnetic interaction of SmMn$_{2}$Ge$_{2}$ is a long-range type with the interaction distance decaying as $J(r)\sim r^{-4.35}$.
Ferroelectricity in 2D Elemental Materials
Xuanlin Zhang, Yunhao Lu, and Lan Chen
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 067701 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/067701
Abstract   PDF(pc) (235KB) ( 591 ) PDF(mobile)(239KB) ( 9 ) HTML ( 240
Optical Tunable Moiré Excitons in Twisted Hexagonal GaTe Bilayers
Jinsen Han, Kang Lai, Xiaoxiang Yu, Jiahao Chen, Hongli Guo, and Jiayu Dai
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 067801 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/067801
Abstract   PDF(pc) (16524KB) ( 183 ) PDF(mobile)(16552KB) ( 5 ) HTML ( 324
Optical fine-tunable layer-hybridized Moiré excitons are highly in demand for emerging many-body states in two-dimensional semiconductors. We report naturally confined layer-hybridized bright Moiré excitons with long lifetimes in twisted hexagonal GaTe bilayers, using ab initio many-body perturbation theory and the Bethe–Salpeter equation. Due to the hybridization of electrons and holes between layers, which enhances the brightness of excitons, the twisted bilayer system becomes attractive for optical applications. We find that in both R and H-type stacking Moiré superlattices, more than 200 meV lateral quantum confinements occur on exciton energies, which results in two scenarios: (1) The ground state bright excitons $\mathrm{X}_\mathrm{A}$ are found to be trapped at two high-symmetry points, with opposite electric dipoles in the R-stacking Moiré supercell, forming a honeycomb superlattice of nearest-neighbor dipolar attraction. (2) For H-stacking case, the $\mathrm{X}_\mathrm{A}$ is found to be trapped at only one high-symmetry point exhibiting a triangular superlattice. Our results suggest that twisted h-GaTe bilayer is one of the promising systems for optical fine-tunable excitonic devices and provide an ideal platform for realizing strong correlated Bose–Hubbard physics.
Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer between Disordered Multilayer Systems
Peng Tian, Wenxuan Ge, Songsong Li, Lei Gao, Jianhua Jiang, and Yadong Xu
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 067802 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/067802
Abstract   PDF(pc) (18198KB) ( 154 ) PDF(mobile)(18204KB) ( 3 ) HTML ( 289
Near-field radiative heat transfer (NFRHT) research is an important research project after a major breakthrough in nanotechnology. Based on the multilayer structure, we find that due to the existence of inherent losses, the decoupling of hyperbolic modes (HMs) after changing the filling ratio leads to suppression of heat flow near the surface mode resonance frequency. It complements the physical landscape of enhancement of near-field radiative heat transfer by HMs and more surface states supported by multiple surfaces. More importantly, considering the difficulty of accurate preparation at the nanoscale, we introduce the disorder factor to describe the magnitude of the random variation of the layer thickness of the multilayer structure and then explore the effect on heat transfer when the layer thickness is slightly different from the exact value expected. We find that the near-field radiative heat flux decreases gradually as the disorder increases because of interlayer energy localization. However, the reduction in heat transfer does not exceed an order of magnitude, although the disorder is already very large. At the same time, the regulation effect of the disorder on NFRHT is close to that of the same degree of filling ratio, which highlights the importance of disordered systems. This work qualitatively describes the effect of disorder on heat transfer and provides instructive data for the fabrication of NFRHT devices.
Intrinsic Electronic Properties of BN-Encapsulated, van der Waals Contacted MoSe$_{2}$ Field-Effect Transistors
Yinjiang Shao, Jian Zhou, Ning Xu, Jian Chen, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Yi Shi, and Songlin Li
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 068501 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/068501
Abstract   PDF(pc) (3397KB) ( 142 ) PDF(mobile)(3441KB) ( 6 ) HTML ( 276
Two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors have attracted considerable interest for their unique physical properties. Here, we report the intrinsic cryogenic electronic transport properties in few-layer MoSe$_{2}$ field-effect transistors (FETs) that are fully encapsulated in ultraclean hexagonal boron nitride dielectrics and are simultaneously van der Waals contacted with gold electrodes. The FETs exhibit electronically favorable channel/dielectric interfaces with low densities of interfacial traps ($ < $ $10^{10}$ cm$^{-2}$), which lead to outstanding device characteristics at room temperature, including near-Boltzmann-limit subthreshold swings (65 mV/dec), high carrier mobilities (53–68 cm$^{2}\cdot$V$^{-1}\cdot$s$^{-1}$), and negligible scanning hystereses ($ < $ $15$ mV). The dependence of various contact-related parameters with temperature and carrier density is also systematically characterized to understand the van der Waals contacts between gold and MoSe$_{2}$. The results provide insightful information about the device physics in van der Waals contacted and encapsulated 2D FETs.
Search for Ultralight Dark Matter with a Frequency Adjustable Diamagnetic Levitated Sensor
Rui Li, Shaochun Lin, Liang Zhang, Changkui Duan, Pu Huang, and Jiangfeng Du
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 069502 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/069502
Abstract   PDF(pc) (3095KB) ( 251 ) PDF(mobile)(3194KB) ( 8 ) HTML ( 259
Among several dark matter candidates, bosonic ultra-light (sub-meV) dark matter is well motivated because it could couple to the Standard Model and induce new forces. Previous MICROSCOPE and Eöt–Wash torsion experiments have achieved high accuracy in the sub-1 Hz region. However, at higher frequencies there is still a lack of relevant experimental research. We propose an experimental scheme based on the diamagnetic levitated micromechanical oscillator, one of the most sensitive sensors for acceleration sensitivity below the kilohertz scale. In order to improve the measurement range, we utilize a sensor whose resonance frequency $\omega_0$ could be adjusted from 0.1 Hz to 100 Hz. The limits of the coupling constant $g_{\scriptscriptstyle B-L}$ are improved by more than 10 times compared to previous reports, and it may be possible to achieve higher accuracy by using the array of sensors in the future.
Electroweak Axion in Light of GRB221009A
Weikang Lin and Tsutomu T. Yanagida
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2023, 40 (6): 069801 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/40/6/069801
Abstract   PDF(pc) (510KB) ( 119 ) PDF(mobile)(526KB) ( 0 ) HTML ( 215
Very high energy (VHE) photons may have a higher survival rate than that expected in standard-model physics, as suggested by the recently reported gamma ray burst GRB221009A. While a photon-axion like particle (ALP) oscillation can boost the survival rate of the VHE photons, current works have not been based on concrete particle models, leaving the identity of the corresponding ALP unclear. Here, we show that the required ALP scenario is consistent with the electroweak axion with an anomaly free $Z_{10}$ Froggatt–Nielsen symmetry.
20 articles