Volume 39 Issue 1

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Highlighted Articles

Jiong-Hao Wang, Yu-Liang Tao, and Yong Xu
Chin. Phys. Lett., 2022, 39 (1): 010301   PDF ( 1040 )   HTML ( 797 )
Qin Zhou
Chin. Phys. Lett., 2022, 39 (1): 010501   PDF ( 653 )   HTML ( 1074 )
Huihui Wang, Yuechun Jiao, Jianming Zhao, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia
Chin. Phys. Lett., 2022, 39 (1): 013401   PDF ( 375 )   HTML ( 475 )
Tian-Sheng Zeng, Liangdong Hu, and W. Zhu
Chin. Phys. Lett., 2022, 39 (1): 017301   PDF ( 319 )   HTML ( 569 )
Xiang Zhang, Zhaozheng Lyu, Guang Yang, Bing Li, Yan-Liang Hou, Tian Le, Xiang Wang, Anqi Wang, Xiaopei Sun, Enna Zhuo, Guangtong Liu, Jie Shen, Fanming Qu, and Li Lu
Chin. Phys. Lett., 2022, 39 (1): 017401   PDF ( 615 )   HTML ( 863 )
Haiwei Li, Shusen Ye, Jianfa Zhao, Changqing Jin, and Yayu Wang
Chin. Phys. Lett., 2022, 39 (1): 017402   PDF ( 260 )   HTML ( 719 )
Jiahao Liu, Zidong Wang, Teng Xu, Hengan Zhou, Le Zhao, Soong-Guen Je, Mi-Young Im, Liang Fang, and Wanjun Jiang
Chin. Phys. Lett., 2022, 39 (1): 017501   PDF ( 956 )   HTML ( 986 )

Current Issue

Anomalous Transport Induced by Non-Hermitian Anomalous Berry Connection in Non-Hermitian Systems
Jiong-Hao Wang, Yu-Liang Tao, and Yong Xu
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2022, 39 (1): 010301 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/39/1/010301
Abstract   PDF(pc) (1062KB) ( 1040 ) PDF(mobile)(2296KB) ( 60 ) HTML ( 797
Non-Hermitian materials can exhibit not only exotic energy band structures but also an anomalous velocity induced by non-Hermitian anomalous Berry connection as predicted by the semiclassical equations of motion for Bloch electrons. However, it is unclear how the modified semiclassical dynamics modifies transport phenomena. Here, we theoretically demonstrate the emergence of anomalous oscillations driven by either an external dc or ac electric field, which arise from non-Hermitian anomalous Berry connection. Moreover, it is a well-known fact that geometric structures of electric wave functions can only affect the Hall conductivity. However, we are surprised to find a non-Hermitian anomalous Berry connection induced anomalous linear longitudinal conductivity independent of the scattering time. We also show the emergence of a second-order nonlinear longitudinal conductivity induced by non-Hermitian anomalous Berry connection, violating a well-known fact of its absence in a Hermitian system with symmetric energy spectra. These anomalous phenomena are illustrated in a pseudo-Hermitian system with large non-Hermitian anomalous Berry connection. Finally, we propose a practical scheme to realize the anomalous oscillations in an optical system.
Influence of Parameters of Optical Fibers on Optical Soliton Interactions
Qin Zhou
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2022, 39 (1): 010501 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/39/1/010501
Abstract   PDF(pc) (1054KB) ( 653 ) PDF(mobile)(1168KB) ( 89 ) HTML ( 1074
The interaction between optical solitons is of great significance for studying interaction between light and matter and development of all-optical devices, and is conducive to the design of integrated optical path. Optical soliton interactions for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation are investigated to improve the communication quality and system integration. Solutions of the equation are derived and used to analyze the interaction of two solitons. Some suggestions are put forward to weaken their interactions.
Electromagnetic Form Factors of $\varLambda$ Hyperon in the Vector Meson Dominance Model and a Possible Explanation of the Near-Threshold Enhancement of the $e^+e^- \to \varLambda\bar{\varLambda}$ Reaction
Zhong-Yi Li, An-Xin Dai, and Ju-Jun Xie
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2022, 39 (1): 011201 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/39/1/011201
Abstract   PDF(pc) (526KB) ( 165 ) PDF(mobile)(655KB) ( 4 ) HTML ( 329
The near-threshold $e^+e^- \to \varLambda\bar{\varLambda}$ reaction is studied with the assumption that the production mechanism is due to a near-$\varLambda \bar{\varLambda}$-threshold bound state. The cross section of the $e^+e^- \to \varLambda\bar{\varLambda}$ reaction is parameterized in terms of the electromagnetic form factors of $\varLambda$ hyperon, which are obtained with the vector meson dominance model. It is shown that the contribution to the $e^+e^- \to \varLambda\bar{\varLambda}$ reaction from a new narrow state with quantum numbers $J^{PC}=1^{--}$ is dominant for energies very close to threshold. The mass of this new state is around 2231 MeV, which is very close to the mass threshold of $\varLambda \bar{\varLambda}$, while its width is just a few MeV. This gives a possible solution to the problem that all previous calculations seriously underestimated the near-threshold total cross section of the $e^+e^- \to \varLambda\bar{\varLambda}$ reaction. We also note that the near-threshold enhancement can also be reproduced by including these well established vector resonances $\omega(1420)$, $\omega(1650)$, $\phi(1680)$, or $\phi(2170)$ with a Flatté form for their total decay width, and a strong coupling to the $\varLambda\bar{\varLambda}$ channel.
Microwave Induced Ultralong-Range Charge Migration in a Rydberg Atom
Huihui Wang, Yuechun Jiao, Jianming Zhao, Liantuan Xiao, and Suotang Jia
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2022, 39 (1): 013401 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/39/1/013401
Abstract   PDF(pc) (2414KB) ( 375 ) PDF(mobile)(2206KB) ( 23 ) HTML ( 475
A microwave induced superposition of the $40S_{1/2}$ and $40P_{1/2}$ states of a Cs atom has been investigated in detail. Ultralong-range charge migration which spans a region more than 200 nm has been discovered. As far as we know, this is the first time to discover charge migration in such a long range. This leads to a large dipole moment which oscillates periodically. The present discovery may stimulate new applications such as quantum simulation of many body physics dominated by periodic interactions. In addition, we find an interesting phenomenon that Cs atoms in the superposition of $40S_{1/2}$ and $40P_{1/2}$ have a much larger blockade radius than those of Cs ($40S_{1/2}$) or Cs ($40P_{1/2}$) atoms.
Bosonic Halperin (441) Fractional Quantum Hall Effect at Filling Factor $\nu=2/5$
Tian-Sheng Zeng, Liangdong Hu, and W. Zhu
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2022, 39 (1): 017301 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/39/1/017301
Abstract   PDF(pc) (984KB) ( 319 ) PDF(mobile)(1099KB) ( 19 ) HTML ( 569
Quantum Hall effects with multicomponent internal degrees of freedom facilitate the playground of novel emergent topological orders. Here, we explore the correlated topological phases of two-component hardcore bosons at a total filling factor $\nu=2/5$ in topological lattice models under the interplay of intracomponent and intercomponent repulsions. We give the numerical demonstration of the emergence of Halperin (441) fractional quantum Hall effect based on exact diagonalization and density-matrix renormalization group methods. We elucidate its topological features including the degeneracy of the ground state, fractionally quantized topological Chern number matrix and chiral edge modes.
In-Plane Magnetization-Induced Corner States in Bismuthene
Bin Han, Junjie Zeng, and Zhenhua Qiao
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2022, 39 (1): 017302 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/39/1/017302
Abstract   PDF(pc) (1569KB) ( 321 ) PDF(mobile)(1665KB) ( 27 ) HTML ( 568
We theoretically demonstrate that the electronic second-order topological insulator with robust corner states, having a buckled honeycomb lattice, can be realized in bismuthene by inducing in-plane magnetization. Based on the $sp^3$ Slater–Koster tight-binding model with parameters extracted from first-principles results, we show that spin-helical edge states along zigzag boundaries are gapped out by the in-plane magnetization whereas four robust in-gap electronic corner states at the intersection between two zigzag boundaries arise. By regulating the orientation of in-plane magnetization, we show different position distribution of four corner states with different energies. Nevertheless, it respects some spatial symmetries and thus can protect the higher-order topological phase. Combined with the Kane–Mele model, we discuss the influence of the magnetization orientation on the position distribution of corner states.
Anomalous Josephson Effect in Topological Insulator-Based Josephson Trijunction
Xiang Zhang, Zhaozheng Lyu, Guang Yang, Bing Li, Yan-Liang Hou, Tian Le, Xiang Wang, Anqi Wang, Xiaopei Sun, Enna Zhuo, Guangtong Liu, Jie Shen, Fanming Qu, and Li Lu
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2022, 39 (1): 017401 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/39/1/017401
Abstract   PDF(pc) (894KB) ( 615 ) PDF(mobile)(991KB) ( 62 ) HTML ( 863
We studied anomalous Josephson effect (AJE) in Josephson trijunctions fabricated on Bi$_2$Se$_3$, and found that the AJE in T-shaped trijunctions significantly alters the Majorana phase diagram of the trijunctions, when an in-plane magnetic field is applied parallel to two of the three single junctions. Such a phenomenon in topological insulator-based Josephson trijunction provides unambiguous evidence for the existence of AJE in the system, and may provide an additional knob for controlling the Majorana bound states in the Fu–Kane scheme of topological quantum computation.
Temperature Dependence of the Electronic Structure of Ca$_{3}$Cu$_{2}$O$_{4}$Cl$_{2}$ Mott Insulator
Haiwei Li, Shusen Ye, Jianfa Zhao, Changqing Jin, and Yayu Wang
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2022, 39 (1): 017402 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/39/1/017402
Abstract   PDF(pc) (548KB) ( 260 ) PDF(mobile)(627KB) ( 8 ) HTML ( 719
We use scanning tunneling microscopy to study the temperature evolution of electronic structure in Ca$_{3}$Cu$_{2}$O$_{4}$Cl$_{2}$ parent Mott insulator of cuprates. It is found that the upper Hubbard band moves towards the Fermi energy with increasing temperature, while the charge transfer band remains basically unchanged. This leads to a reduction of the charge transfer gap size at high temperatures, and the rate of reduction is much faster than that of conventional semiconductors. Across the Neel temperature for antiferromagnetic order, there is no sudden change in the electronic structure. These results shed new light on the theoretical models about the parent Mott insulator of cuprates.
The 20-nm Skyrmion Generated at Room Temperature by Spin-Orbit Torques
Jiahao Liu, Zidong Wang, Teng Xu, Hengan Zhou, Le Zhao, Soong-Guen Je, Mi-Young Im, Liang Fang, and Wanjun Jiang
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2022, 39 (1): 017501 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/39/1/017501
Abstract   PDF(pc) (2307KB) ( 956 ) PDF(mobile)(3568KB) ( 139 ) HTML ( 986
The discovery of magnetic skyrmions provides a promising pathway for developing functional spintronic memory and logic devices. Towards the future high-density memory application, nanoscale skyrmions with miniaturized diameters, ideally down to 20 nm are required. Using x-ray magnetic circular dichroism transmission microscopy, nanoscale skyrmions are observed in the [Pt/Co/Ir]$_{15}$ multilayer at room temperature. In particular, small skyrmions with minimum diameters approaching 20 nm could be generated by the current-induced spin-orbit torques. Through implementing material specific parameters, the dynamic process of skyrmion generation is further investigated by performing micromagnetic simulations. According to the simulation results, we find that both the tube-like Néel-type skyrmions and the bobber-like Néel-type skyrmions can be electrically generated. In particular, the size of the bobber-like Néel-type skyrmions can be effectively reduced by the spin-orbit torques, which leads to the formation of 20 nm Néel-type skyrmions. Our findings could be important for understanding the formation dynamics of nanoscale Néel-type spin textures, skyrmions and bobber in particular, which could also be useful for promoting nanoscale skyrmionic memories and logic devices.
Temperature-Dependent Far-Infrared Absorption in Cyclotrimethylene Trinitramine Single Crystals Using Broadband Time-Domain Terahertz Spectroscopy
Yupeng Liu, Jinchun Shi, and Chongyang Chen
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2022, 39 (1): 018701 .   DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/39/1/018701
Abstract   PDF(pc) (2057KB) ( 298 ) PDF(mobile)(3380KB) ( 5 ) HTML ( 274
We investigate the absorption properties of cyclotrimethylene trinitramine (RDX) single crystals from $\sim$15 to 150 cm$^{-1}$ using the terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. We observe that all the absorption modes exhibit strong anisotropic behavior in terms of the crystal orientations. We demonstrate that the anharmonic phonon model can well describe the temperature-dependent behaviors of these absorption modes. These results indicate that the intermolecular interaction plays a major role in the collective motion of large number of RDX molecules. Our findings provide important information for understanding and controlling the dynamic properties in the explosive materials.
10 articles