Field Ionization Thresholds of (17, n1, n2, 0) and (17, n1, n2, 1) Stark States of Sr Atom
LI Jing, ZHANG Sen, CHU Xiaofeng
Chin. Phys. Lett. 1993, 10 (5):
The field ionization thresholds of n=17, |m|=0,1 Stark states of Sr atoms have been investigated by two-step excitation using ππ, πσ polarized lasers and both uniform and pulse electric fields. The results showed, contrary to the hydrogen 's, higher-energy states generally have lower ionization thresholds, and that the |m|=0,1 Sr atoms exhibit partly adiabatic behavior at several avoided crossings in the passage to ionization.
A Study of 90°Ferroelectric Domains in Potassium Tantalate Niobate Crystals by Means of Transmission Electron Microscopy
XU Huiping, LI Qi, SHEN Guangjun, WANG Luchun,
SHA Zhenshun, ZHU Jianming, FENG Duan, WANG Jiyang
Chin. Phys. Lett. 1993, 10 (5):
By flux method, potassium tantalate niobate crystals with 46% Nb contents were prepared. In this material 90°a-type domains with (011) and (01 ī) walls were observed by a transmission electron microscope, and the nature of fringe patterns associated with these domain walls was analysed. According to the extinction rules for the domain walls, the displacement vector R along < 01 ī > direction can be determined. Finally, using a selected area electron diffraction method, we examined the crystallographic character of these 90°domains and defined the ratio of lattice parameters c to a.
17 articles