Growth Mode of Superconducting La2-xSrxCul+yO4 Thin Films on LaAIO3 Substrate
QIN Yue-ling, LIU Wei, DONG Xiao-li, LI Lin, ZHAO Bai-ru,
Chin. Phys. Lett. 1998, 15 (7):
La2-xSrxCul+yO4(LSCO) thin films sputtered from a Cu-rich target on a LaAIO3 substrate showed a columnar structure. The columnar grains penetrated the full thickness of the film, nucleating at the substrate surface defects. Transmission electron microscopy revealed two kinds of lattice images: one with a lattice spacing of 0.66 nm and the other with a spacing of 0.61 nm. The 0.66 nm spacing denotes a c-axis oriented LSCO film matrix. The 0.61 nm spacing has two categories: one with short white dashes, the phase of which is not yet identified, the other with no additional structure, which could correspond to the c-axis deviated LSCO.
Superluminal Radio Source PKS 0420-014
HONG Xiao-yu, JIANG Dong-rong, SHEN Zhi-qiang, WAN Tong-shan
Chin. Phys. Lett. 1998, 15 (7):
The very long baseline interferometry result of a superluminal radio source PKS 0420-014 at 5 GHz with Shanghai (China), Urumqi (China), Noto (Italy), and HartRAO (South Africa) telescopes is presented. Proper motions of the relativistic jet components in the source are calculated. Based on the Self-Compton emission in a uniform spherical model, the beaming parameters of the source are estimated. The results show that PKS 0420-014 has a high Doppler factor of 9.3, a Lorentz factor of 6.5, and a small angle of 5.5º to the line of sight.
28 articles