Chin. Phys. Lett.  2017, Vol. 34 Issue (6): 069801    DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/34/6/069801
Viscous Modified Chaplygin Gas in Classical and Loop Quantum Cosmology
D. Aberkane**, N. Mebarki, S. Benchikh
Laboratoire de Physique Mathematique et Subatomique, Mentouri University, Constantine 25000, Algeria
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D. Aberkane, N. Mebarki, S. Benchikh 2017 Chin. Phys. Lett. 34 069801
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Abstract We investigate the cosmological model of viscous modified Chaplygin gas (VMCG) in classical and loop quantum cosmology (LQC). Firstly, we constrain its equation of state parameters in the framework of standard cosmology from Union 2.1 SNe Ia data. Then, we probe the dynamical stability of this model in a universe filled with VMCG and baryonic fluid in LQC background. It is found that the model is very suitable with $(\chi^{2/d.o.f}=0.974)$ and gives a good prediction of the current values of the deceleration parameter $q_{0}=\in(-0.60,-0.57)$ and the effective state parameter $\omega_{\rm eff}\in(-0.76,-0.74)$ that is consistent with the recent observational data. The model can also predict the time crossing when $(\rho_{\rm DE}\approx\rho_{\rm matter})$ at $z=0.75$ and can solve the coincidence problem. In LQC background, the Big Bang singularity found in classical cosmology ceases to exist and is replaced by a bounce when the Hubble parameter vanishes at $\rho_{\rm tot}\approx \rho_{\rm c}$.
Received: 25 January 2017      Published: 23 May 2017
PACS:  98.80.-k (Cosmology)  
  95.36.+x (Dark energy)  
  98.80.Qc (Quantum cosmology)  
Fund: Supported by the Algerian Ministry of Education and Research and DGRSDT.
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Articles by authors
D. Aberkane
N. Mebarki
S. Benchikh
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