Chin. Phys. Lett.  1993, Vol. 10 Issue (2): 68-70    DOI:
Original Articles |
On the Invalidity of a Conjecture of Dirac
LI Ziping
CCAST(Wor1d Laboratory), P. O. Box 8730, Beijing 100080 and Department of Applied Physics, Beijing Polytechnic University, Beijing 100022
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LI Ziping 1993 Chin. Phys. Lett. 10 68-70
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Abstract Besed on the symmetry properties of constrained Hamiltonian system, we present one other example to show that Dirac’s conjecture fails in a different way than other examples in that there is no linearization of constraint in this problem. A clear discussion is made on the relationships of the coefficients connecting with the first-class constraints in the gauge generator for a constrained Hamiltonian system. The results of this counterexample are also in contradiction with the other conclusions.
Keywords: 03.20.+i      11.10.Ef      11.30.-j     
Published: 01 February 1993
PACS:  03.20.+i  
  11.10.Ef (Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approach)  
  11.30.-j (Symmetry and conservation laws)  
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LI Ziping
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