Chin. Phys. Lett.  2002, Vol. 19 Issue (12): 1822-1824    DOI:
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An All-Fibre Dynamic Gain Equalizer Based on a Novel Long-Period Fibre Grating Written by High-Frequency CO2 Laser Pulses
RAO Yun-Jiang;ZHU Tao;RAN Zeng-Ling;JIANG Jian
Department of Optoelectronic Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044
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RAO Yun-Jiang, ZHU Tao, RAN Zeng-Ling et al  2002 Chin. Phys. Lett. 19 1822-1824
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Abstract An all-fibre dynamic gain equalizer based on a novel long-period fibre grating (LPFG) written on a photosensitive fibre by high-frequency CO2 laser pulses is demonstrated for the dynamic gain flattening of Er-doped fibre amplifiers. The resonant peak amplitude of such a dynamic gain equalizer can be adjusted linearly by bending the LPFG. The gain profile of the Er-doped fibre amplifier constructed has been flattened to within ±0.7 dB over a 32 nm bandwidth using such a device.
Keywords: 42.81.Qb      42.81.Wg     
Published: 01 December 2002
PACS:  42.81.Qb (Fiber waveguides, couplers, and arrays)  
  42.81.Wg (Other fiber-optical devices)  
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RAO Yun-Jiang
RAN Zeng-Ling
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