Chin. Phys. Lett.  2007, Vol. 24 Issue (9): 2540-2543    DOI:
Original Articles |
△-Resonance Effective Mass in Medium
LEE Xi-Guo 1,3;LI Yong-Qing 1,2;LIU Zi-Yu 1,2
1Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PO Box 31, Lanzhou 7300002Graduate University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 1000493Center of Theoretical Nuclear Physics, National Laboratory of Heavy Ion Collisions, Lanzhou 730000
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LEE Xi-Guo, LI Yong-Qing, LIU Zi-Yu 2007 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 2540-2543
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Abstract Based on the relativistic chiral effective field theory, we study the effective mass of the △-resonance in medium by investigating the self-energy of the △-resonance related to the πN decay channel in symmetric nuclear matter. We find that the effective mass of △-resonance decreases evidently with increasing nuclear density ρ. In our calculation, we also consider the influence of the shifts of the nucleon mass, pion mass and its decay constant due to the restoration of chiral symmetry in medium. The results are roughly consistent with the data given by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Keywords: 14.20.Gk      12.39.Fe      12.40.-y     
Received: 16 April 2007      Published: 16 August 2007
PACS:  14.20.Gk (Baryon resonances (S=C=B=0))  
  12.39.Fe (Chiral Lagrangians)  
  12.40.-y (Other models for strong interactions)  
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LEE Xi-Guo
LI Yong-Qing
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