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Higher Dimensional Strange Quark Matter Coupled to the String Cloud with Electromagnetic Field Admitting One Parameter Group of Conformal Motion |
PRADHAN Anirudh1;KHADEKAR G. S.2;MISHRA Mukesh Kumar1;KUMBHARE Saroj2 |
1Department of Mathematics, Hindu Post-graduate College, Zamania-232 331, Ghazipur, India2Department of Mathematics, R. T. M. Nagpur University, Mahatma JyotibaPhule Educational Campus, Amravati Road, Nagpur-440 033, India |
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PRADHAN Anirudh, KHADEKAR G. S., MISHRA Mukesh Kumar et al 2007 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 3013-3015 |
Abstract We solve Einstein's field equations in higher-dimensional spherically symmetric spacetime with strange quark matter attached to the string cloud, assuming one parameter group of conformal motions. The solutions match with the higher-dimensional Reissner--Nordstrom metric on the boundary at r = r0. The features of the solutions are also discussed in the framework of higher-dimensional spacetime.
Received: 30 May 2007
Published: 20 September 2007
(Particle-theory and field-theory models of the early Universe (including cosmic pancakes, cosmic strings, chaotic phenomena, inflationary universe, etc.))
(Classical general relativity)
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