Chin. Phys. Lett.  2007, Vol. 24 Issue (10): 2777-2780    DOI:
Original Articles |
Analysis of Bd→ψ KS CP Asymmetry in a Flavour Changing Z' Model
WANG Shuai-Wei1;SONG Tai-Ping1;LU Gong-Ru2;ZHONG Zhi-Guo1
1Department of Physics, Nanyang Normal University, Nanyang 4730612Department of Physics, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453002
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WANG Shuai-Wei, SONG Tai-Ping, LU Gong-Ru et al  2007 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 2777-2780
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Abstract According to the recent experimental data, the time-dependent CP asymmetry SψKS for Bd→KS decay might still be inconsistent with the standard model (SM) expectations. We try to understand the anomaly with a Z' model associated with flavour changing neutral currents (FCNCs) at the tree level. We find that (i) if neglecting the contributions from the right-handed flavour changing coupling BRsb and setting ξLLLR=ξ and ξLL=ξ, ξLR=0, we may obtain 0.01< ξ <0.014, 0.0175< ξ <0.0205, 0.021< ξ <0.0255 and 0.004< ξ <0.008, 0.018< ξ <0.028, 0.042< ξ <0.048 for the Bd→ψ KS decay, respectively; (ii) if considering the contributions coming from BRsb and setting
ξLLRLLRRR=ξ and ξLLRL=ξ, ξLRRR=0, we can obtain 0.005<
ξ<0.075, 0.0085< ξ<0.0105, 0.011<ξ<0.013 and 0.0125<ξ<0.0177, 0.0224< ξ<0.025. These results are consistent with the constraints and the assumptions in some literature.
Keywords: 13.25.Hw      12.38.Bx      12.15.Mm     
Received: 19 April 2007      Published: 20 September 2007
PACS:  13.25.Hw (Decays of bottom mesons)  
  12.38.Bx (Perturbative calculations)  
  12.15.Mm (Neutral currents)  
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Articles by authors
WANG Shuai-Wei
SONG Tai-Ping
LU Gong-Ru
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