2011, Vol. 28(1): 18401-018401    DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/28/1/018401
Computational Investigation of InxGa1−xN/InN Quantum-Dot Intermediate-Band Solar Cell
DENG Qing-Wen1**, WANG Xiao-Liang1,2,3, YANG Cui-Bai1,2, XIAO Hong-Ling1,2, WANG Cui-Mei1,2, YIN Hai-Bo1,2, HOU Qi-Feng1, BI Yang1, LI Jin-Min1,3, WANG Zhan-Guo2, HOU Xun3
1Materials Science Center, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PO Box 912, Beijing 100083
2Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials Science, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PO Box 912, Beijing 100083
3ISCAS-XJTU Joint Laboratory of Functional Materials and Devices for Informatics, PO Box 912, Beijing 100083
收稿日期 2010-07-23  修回日期 1900-01-01
Supporting info
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