2008, Vol. 25(6): 2169-2172    DOI:
Structures and Phase Transition of GaAs under Pressure
CUI Hong-Ling1, CHEN Xiang-Rong1,2, JI Guang-Fu3, WEI Dong-Qing4
1Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Sichuan University, Chengdu 6100652International Centre for Materials Physics, Chinese Academy ofSciences, Shenyang 1100163Laboratory for Shock Wave and Detonation Physics Research, Institute of Fluid Physics, Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang 6219004College of Life Science and Biotechnology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240
收稿日期 2008-03-11  修回日期 1900-01-01
Supporting info

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