2007, Vol. 24(5): 1173-1176    DOI:
Exact Analytic N-Soliton-Like Solution in Wronskian Form for a Generalized Variable-Coefficient Korteweg--de Vries Model from Plasmas and Fluid Dynamics
ZHANG Chun-Yi 1,2, YAO Zhen-Zhi3, ZHU Hong-Wu3, XU Tao3, LI Juan3, MENG Xiang-Hua3, GAO Yi-Tian1
1Key Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and National Laboratory for Computational Fluid Dynamics (Ministry of Education), Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 1000832Meteorology Center of Air Force Command Post, Changchun 1300513School of Science, Beijing University of Posts Telecommunications, Beijing 100876
收稿日期 2006-12-29  修回日期 1900-01-01
Supporting info

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