2007, Vol. 24(8): 2242-2244    DOI:
High-Power Diode-Side-Pumped Intracavity-Frequency-Doubled Continuous Wave 532nm Laser
ZHANG Yu-Ping1,2, ZHANG Hui-Yun2, ZHONG Kai2, LI Xi-Fu2, WANG Peng2, YAO Jian-Quan2
1College of Science, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 2665102Key Laboratory of Optoelectrics Information Science and Technology (Ministry of Eduction), Institute of Laser and Optoelectronics, College of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072
收稿日期 2007-05-09  修回日期 1900-01-01
Supporting info

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