2010, Vol. 27(4): 44214-044214    DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/27/4/044214
Numerical Simulation for Coherent and Partially Coherent Beam Propagation through Atmospheric Turbulence

QIAN Xian-Mei1, ZHU Wen-Yue1, WANG An-Ting2, GU Chun2, RAO Rui-Zhong1

1The Key Laboratory of the Atmospheric Composition andOptical Radiation of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy ofSciences, Hefei 2300312Anhui Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Science and Technology,University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026
收稿日期 2009-09-16  修回日期 1900-01-01
Supporting info
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