Hopping Parameter Expansion Technique in Noise Method for Disconnected Quark Loops
Jia-Liang Zhou, Zhen Cheng, Guang-Yi Xiong, Jian-Bo Zhang**
Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang 310027
Abstract :We investigate the effectiveness of the hopping parameter expansion (HPE) combined with the $Z(2)$ noise method in the calculation of the trace of the inverse of Wilson's Dirac operator and some other disconnected contributions. A numerical comparison of the standard deviation for the $Z(2)$ noise method and HPE with the $Z(2)$ noise method is carried out. It is found that there are noise reductions in all the quantities we calculated using the HPE with the $Z(2)$ noise method. For the trace of the inverse of Wilson's Dirac operator, the HPE can reduce the statistical error by about 60%.
收稿日期: 2017-11-24
出版日期: 2018-03-13
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