A Dynamic Evolution Model of Airline Networks
Ze-Jun Xie** , Lu-Man Zhang, Sheng-Feng Deng, Wei Li
College of Physical Science and Technology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079
Abstract :Empirical data show that most of the degree distribution of airline networks assume a double power law. In this work, firstly, we assume cities as sites, flight between two cities as an edge between two sites, and build a dynamic evolution model for airline networks by improving the BA model, in which the conception of attractiveness plays a decisive role in the course of evolution of the networks. To this end, we discuss whether the attractiveness depends on the site label $s$ or not separately, finally we obtain analytic degree distribution. As a result, if the attractiveness of a site is independent of the degree distribution of sites, which will follow the double power law, otherwise, it will be scale-free. Moreover, degree distribution depends on the parameters of the models, and some parameters are more sensitive than others.
收稿日期: 2017-01-11
出版日期: 2017-04-29
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