Imaging Laser wake fields by Thomson Scattering a Co-Propagating Pulse
Hong-Jie Liu1,2**, Yu-Qiu Gu1,2, Gang Li1,2, Feng Lu1,2, Bo Cui1,2, Zeng-Hai Dai1,2, Yan-Yun Ma3, Wei-Min Zhou1,2, Lei-Feng Cao1,2, Bao-Han Zhang1,2
1Research Center of Laser Fusion, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang 621900 2Science and Technology on Plasma Physics Laboratory, Mianyang 621900 3Department of Physics, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073
Abstract:Thomson scattering imaging (TSI) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated to observe the fine structure of the laser wake field. By Thomson scattering a co-propagating laser pulse, we obtain clear images indicating that the wake field is like an acaleph swimming behind the pump laser. The wavelength of the wake field observed at different electron densities agrees well with the theory. Since no mathematics transformation is involved, TSI could be potentially used as an online monitor for future 'tabletop' plasma accelerators.