The Fano-Like Resonance in Self-Assembled Trimer Clusters
ZHANG Mei1, LI Liang-Sheng2,3**, ZHENG Ning3, SHI Qing-Fan3**
1Faculty of Computers, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006 2Science and Technology on Electromagnetic Scattering Laboratory, Beijing 100854 3School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081
Abstract:We illustrate that three identical nanocylinders self-assembled into a trimer with a small interparticle gap separation support strong Fano-like interference. The asymmetry line shape of the Fano-like resonance can be controlled by modifying the cluster structures, and a narrow linewidth between a peak and a dip is displayed in the line trimer. The resonant behaviors of the trimers could be strengthened by increasing the permittivity of the nanorods, and the asymmetry resonance is highly sensitive to the angle of the incident wave due to the orientation-dependent coupling between the cylinders in the cluster. The present study provides a way to investigate the environmental change caused by the reshaped asymmetry line, which can be applied to future high-performance resonance sensors.
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