摘要We demonstrate a tunable continuous-wave single frequency intracavity frequency-doubled Ti:sapphire laser. The highest output power of 280 mW at 461.62 nm is obtained by employing a type-I phase-matched BIBO crystal and the peak-to-peak fluctuation of the power is less than ±1% within three hours. The frequency stability is better than ±2.22 MHz over 10 min when the laser is locked to a confocal Fabry–Perot cavity. A three-plate birefringent filter allows for the tunable range from 457 nm to 467 nm, which covers the absorption line of the strontium atoms (460.86 nm).
Abstract:We demonstrate a tunable continuous-wave single frequency intracavity frequency-doubled Ti:sapphire laser. The highest output power of 280 mW at 461.62 nm is obtained by employing a type-I phase-matched BIBO crystal and the peak-to-peak fluctuation of the power is less than ±1% within three hours. The frequency stability is better than ±2.22 MHz over 10 min when the laser is locked to a confocal Fabry–Perot cavity. A three-plate birefringent filter allows for the tunable range from 457 nm to 467 nm, which covers the absorption line of the strontium atoms (460.86 nm).
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