摘要Protons accelerated by the target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) mechanism have a wide energy spectrum and are called chirp-pulse protons. The numerical simulation of chirp-pulse proton radiography in an implosion process with single shot is carried out using the Monte Carlo method. Two different methods are proposed. The first method, proton framing radiography, uses a stack of radiochromic film layers as the detector. Each layer deposits protons with energy corresponding to the Bragg peak, which can record the transient state of the implosion process. The second method, proton streak radiography, uses an external magnetic field to deflect protons. Different energies correspond to different times. By using a slit before the magnetic field, one-dimensional spatial resolution and temporal resolution can be obtained. This method is more suitable for the diagnosis of the implosion process.
Abstract:Protons accelerated by the target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) mechanism have a wide energy spectrum and are called chirp-pulse protons. The numerical simulation of chirp-pulse proton radiography in an implosion process with single shot is carried out using the Monte Carlo method. Two different methods are proposed. The first method, proton framing radiography, uses a stack of radiochromic film layers as the detector. Each layer deposits protons with energy corresponding to the Bragg peak, which can record the transient state of the implosion process. The second method, proton streak radiography, uses an external magnetic field to deflect protons. Different energies correspond to different times. By using a slit before the magnetic field, one-dimensional spatial resolution and temporal resolution can be obtained. This method is more suitable for the diagnosis of the implosion process.
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