中国物理快报  2008, Vol. 25 Issue (3): 1145-1148    
  Original Articles 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
Effect of Vibration on Water Transport through Carbon Nanotubes
LU Hang-Jun1,2,3, GONG Xiao-Jing1,2, WANG Chun-Lei1,2, FANG Hai-Ping1,4, WAN Rong-Zheng1,2
1Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PO Box 800-204, Shanghai 2018002Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 1000803Department of Physics, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 3210044Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities (TPCSF), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049
Effect of Vibration on Water Transport through Carbon Nanotubes
LU Hang-Jun1,2,3; GONG Xiao-Jing1,2;WANG Chun-Lei1,2;FANG Hai-Ping1,4;WAN Rong-Zheng1,2
1Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PO Box 800-204, Shanghai 2018002Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 1000803Department of Physics, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 3210044Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities (TPCSF), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049