摘要To design and calculate the zero-dispersion wavelength is one of the important aspects for highly nonlinear photonic crystal fibres. By using the air filling fraction f defined as f= (6d)/(2πΛ) here for the cladding effective index, and the step effective index model, the relationship between the properties of chromatic dispersion and the two different structures has been analysed. It is pointed that the variation of the zero dispersion wavelength is insensitive to the core diameter change in one range of core diameter D, while keeping the air filling fraction f constant. In the other range of core diameter D, the photonic crystal fibres have the best nearly-zero ultra-flattened dispersion. These properties are significant to the design of chromatic dispersion and zero dispersion wavelength in photonic crystal fibres.
Abstract:To design and calculate the zero-dispersion wavelength is one of the important aspects for highly nonlinear photonic crystal fibres. By using the air filling fraction f defined as f= (6d)/(2πΛ) here for the cladding effective index, and the step effective index model, the relationship between the properties of chromatic dispersion and the two different structures has been analysed. It is pointed that the variation of the zero dispersion wavelength is insensitive to the core diameter change in one range of core diameter D, while keeping the air filling fraction f constant. In the other range of core diameter D, the photonic crystal fibres have the best nearly-zero ultra-flattened dispersion. These properties are significant to the design of chromatic dispersion and zero dispersion wavelength in photonic crystal fibres.
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