中国物理快报  2008, Vol. 25 Issue (7): 2566-2568    
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Simulation and Experimental Research of a Novel Vircator
LI Zhi-Qiang, ZHONG Hui-Huang, FAN Yu-Wei, SHU Ting, YANG Jian-Hua, YUAN Cheng-Wei, XU Liu-Rong, ZHAO Yan-Song
College of Optoelectric Science and Technology, National University of Defence Technology, Changsha 410073
Simulation and Experimental Research of a Novel Vircator
LI Zhi-Qiang, ZHONG Hui-Huang, FAN Yu-Wei, SHU Ting, YANG Jian-Hua, YUAN Cheng-Wei, XU Liu-Rong, ZHAO Yan-Song
College of Optoelectric Science and Technology, National University of Defence Technology, Changsha 410073