中国物理快报  2008, Vol. 25 Issue (7): 2488-2491    
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Teleportation of Entangled States through Divorce of Entangled Pair Mediated by a Weak Coherent Field in a High-Q Cavity
W. B. Cardoso1, N. G. de Almeida2
1Instituto de Fisica, Universidade Federal de Goias, 74.001-970, Goiania (GO), Brazil2Nucleo de Pesquisas em Fisica, Universidade Catolica de Goias, 74.605-080, Goiania (GO), Brazil
Teleportation of Entangled States through Divorce of Entangled Pair Mediated by a Weak Coherent Field in a High-Q Cavity
W. B. Cardoso1, N. G. de Almeida2
1Instituto de Fisica, Universidade Federal de Goias, 74.001-970, Goiania (GO), Brazil2Nucleo de Pesquisas em Fisica, Universidade Catolica de Goias, 74.605-080, Goiania (GO), Brazil