中国物理快报  2009, Vol. 26 Issue (6): 62502-062502    DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/26/6/062502
  NUCLEAR PHYSICS 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
Possible Mechanisms of Ternary Fission in the 197Au+197Au System at 15 A MeV
TIAN Jun-Long1, LI Xian1, WU Xi-Zhen2, LI Zhu-Xia2,3, YAN Shi-Wei1
1College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 1008752China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 1024133Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academic of Sciences, Beijing 100190
Possible Mechanisms of Ternary Fission in the 197Au+197Au System at 15 A MeV
TIAN Jun-Long1, LI Xian1, WU Xi-Zhen2, LI Zhu-Xia2,3, YAN Shi-Wei1
1College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 1008752China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 1024133Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academic of Sciences, Beijing 100190