摘要Characteristics of attachment instabilities in SF6 inductively coupled plasmas are experimentally studied under different coupling intensities. Experimental results show that the instabilities only occur in H modes operating in positive feedback regions. Both the sudden mode transitions and the instabilities are influenced by the coupling intensities. With increasing absorbed power, weak and middle coupling discharges can sequently undergo sudden mode transitions and attachment instabilities. In strong coupling discharges, the sudden mode transitions disappear and only attachment instabilities exist. The strong and weak coupling discharges are the most stable and unstable, respectively.
Abstract:Characteristics of attachment instabilities in SF6 inductively coupled plasmas are experimentally studied under different coupling intensities. Experimental results show that the instabilities only occur in H modes operating in positive feedback regions. Both the sudden mode transitions and the instabilities are influenced by the coupling intensities. With increasing absorbed power, weak and middle coupling discharges can sequently undergo sudden mode transitions and attachment instabilities. In strong coupling discharges, the sudden mode transitions disappear and only attachment instabilities exist. The strong and weak coupling discharges are the most stable and unstable, respectively.
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